WOA III Day 7 - Final

posted in ArThor's Journal
Published August 16, 2015
This has been a very tiring week! I feel I have worked non stop on my entry and am looking forward to a rest.

The New Menu:
One of the new levels:

Main changes from the last upload:

  • I have wrapped up all of the main screens.
  • I have tried to fix a bug for Eck, I have reduced the targeted shader version down as low as I can, but it is all based on my OpenGL4 experiments so may not work still. The game isnt doing anything fancy at all sad.png
  • A couple of fixes for the orientation of units/orcs.
  • An icon for the game
  • A final user guide/tutorial and notes document in the final folder drop.

    I took too much on especially for my first competition like this, but it is a lesson learnt. I didn't manage to get everything in I wanted, the details are all in my games readme though. I think I got enough in that I wanted. Not having everything in that I wanted has made it hard to truly get the theme across but I think I managed to get it in as a mechanic and slipped in a very small story element to fit the theme at the end.

    Main regret at the moment is not having any sounds at all. Next time maybe...

    The final entry is here:

    Good luck everyone!
Previous Entry WOA III Day 6, Playable
Next Entry WOA III - Orc Party
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