Kseh Woa V - 2017-08-10

posted in kseh's blog for project One Day
Published August 10, 2017

I'm seeing in a lot of people's blog entries that they're not as far along as they'd like or that they didn't get much time in the past while and so on. I actually managed to get a decent amount of time to work on this today but still didn't get as much done as I would've liked.

But I finally have a screenshot. I wanted to have more stuff on it like some buildings and maybe some trees but instead of working on getting that all in place I got sucked in to working on an "explosion" effect. It was supposed to be something to pretty much just enable but sure enough there were a dozen various quirks from the last time I used it that needed to be ironed out.  At least in theory I will be able to use for destroying the UFO and other objects when the time comes.

Where I am:



Where I hoped to be (mock up)


The general idea is that you drop the snail looking soldiers to attack any soldiers on the ground or wizards in buildings and convert the other buildings into something that would replenish energy that you'd loose anytime your UFO is hit by a magic missile. I was thinking that you could shoot at the buildings as well for quick destruction or defense but you would need the buildings and some people alive in order to be able to get the energy manufactured.

There's way too much left to do at this point. I was really hoping to have all the assorted actor classes created tonight and maybe get some code together to be able to position the buildings and stuff. I don't think it should be all that bad to do, it's just time consuming and I have no idea what issues I'll encounter when I try to implement the gameplay. But I like the general idea and I'm going to stick with it until the end. Gotta see how it turns out, you know.


2 likes 1 comments


Scouting Ninja

The art is looking good, gives it a feeling like someone is telling a story.

I feel your pain on how little time there is, if it helps you are at least ahead of me.:P

August 10, 2017 09:51 PM
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