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Season of the Sakura vs. Tomb Raider

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40 comments, last by sakurasan 20 years, 3 months ago
A friend recently passed me his copy of Season of the Sakura, a quirky little semi-erotic game from Japan. The game''s basic premise tracks you through your final year of high-school, where you''ll aim to find yourself, and to get a girlfriend. My initial impression was that the graphics, and the technology powering it, are quite outdated. I''m a programmer, so these things tend to stick out the same way a tired cliche does to a writer I was quite bored, so I clicked my way through it. And realised that, in it''s own right, it''s actually pushing more boundries than generic tech-heavy games like UT2K3, or Tomb Raider X. The game has 10 different endings (partially no doubt to pamper to the pornographic portion of itself), and offers an interesting amount of emotional interaction with the different people you''ll be meeting. In a small way, it''s actually trying to simulate falling in love. With 10 different characters, no less. =) It struck me that it could be fun to make a similar game, with a slightly upgraded engine, and tools to facilitate more dialog-branching and interaction. Are there any manga fan-fic writers out there who''d be interested in doing something like this for fun ?
Sounds like every other hentai based dating sim I''ve ever seen.

Catastrophic Valiant Kim-Chee Earthquake Stomp-Kick!

With love, AnonymousPosterChild
Well, I am a manga fanfic writer, and I adore ren''ai games... on the other hand, I''ve already made two attempts at writing one, neither of which really succeeded. It''s surprisingly difficult to write something so plotless. But if no one else jumps at the chance, I suppose I''d be willing to take another stab at it. I have some stipulations though - half the ''get-able'' characters must be male, and the genre must be science fiction or science fantasy.

What anime series do you like that you would want the game to be similar to? What RPGs ditto ditto? Because ren''ai games are actually pretty similar to rpgs, particularly non-violent ones like Harvest Moon.

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

Well; I''m not really that fussy. I''d put my foot down on Ecchi (so R or R(A), not XXX), but apart from that I''m fairly flexible.

I found the Dating sim/adventure game (Season of the Sakura, Three Sisters, etc), are quite amusing. There''s a lot of improvement possible, though: from what little playing around with code I''ve done for this, I''d mainly say better tools to support better dialog (so closer to NWN''s Conversation Editor), and support for interaction at a (slightly) deeper level than "go next room". Some examples would be support for Items and Inventories, Stats and mini-games.

On the SciFi/Fantasy point; a game that was actually quite enjoyable was Runaway City, which has a fantasy theme, but is set in modern day tokyo...

Anyways; just fishing for feedback, and listening to what other people feel should be into a game like this. Please note that while "fully 3D, fully interactive" is out of the question: I do that for a day-job, and have no illusions of pulling it off as a hobbyist project.. =)

Okay.. apart from the little incident of the quintupple post, I felt that went okay..

[edited by - Sakurasan on January 29, 2003 9:14:12 AM]
OK, I just spent 30 minutes and this stupid computer just went dead... so I couldnt be arsed typing all again (guess I''ll just have to be short for once ?)

It''s nice to see someone else being interested in hentai games. You just ask S&S how many tiems I bothered her about them

Anyway, dont judge hentai games by a few old ones. They are quite good anyway, but as you say they don''t look exactly young. Well, that''s because they ARE quite old (in fact, most of them hardly work on XP or 2000).
If you want to see what the real hentai games look like, learn japanese, ''cause it''s definitely worth it (well, anyway, I wish I could speak japanese, ''cause all the demos I have of japanese hentai games are *really* cool, with full color SVGA graphics, cool MP3 music, and full voice dialogues)
If you want to see some more up to date games in english, check out JAST USA, they are AFAIK the biggest retailer of hentai for the American market and the latest titles are quite good looking (and most of the studios are gathered undered their name anyway).

Also remember when judging those games that they were done quite a while ago, and mostly for DOS, so the guys had to make a chioce between chunky 320x200x256 or sharp 640x400x16 colours. Eventually, the graphists are so good that they decided that 16 colours was all you needed, and well, they were quite right at the time, given their skill.
With modern technology and something like Visual Basic, or even Director, you could easily surpass the limitations of those old games.
The question is, can you make graphics as good And come up with a good concept.

A game like Immoral Study 2 is pretty challenging and don''t wander too much around the subject, which is to get the girl.
A game like True Love on the other hand, takes a bit more thinking, and the concept is quite unique (I never got the cat girl...).
A game like 3 Sisters is more straightforward, but very rewarding if you spend the time (that is, if you actually bother, you can actually get ALL the girls in the game, unlike Sakura or True Love, IIRC) and the story was pretty cool (that is, a tad bit more dramatic than the usual dating sim)

Anyway I am getting lengthy again and kicked out of the library, too

If I think of something else I''ll be sure to post again !

Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
quote: Original post by ahw
A game like True Love on the other hand, takes a bit more thinking, and the concept is quite unique (I never got the cat girl...).

You never got the cat girl? Man you suck. Every variation of the game I got her. You just have to make sure to keep your passion way up and to buy the angel feather thing at the shop.

I play a lot of these games, and there does seem to be quite a recurring trend. If anyone here does make one, and I get a copy, if it isn''t non-linear, I''ll beat you to death with a frozen carp.

This way to the egress
With love, AnonymousPosterChild
quote: Original post by AnonymousPosterChild
If anyone here does make one, and I get a copy, if it isn''t non-linear, I''ll beat you to death with a frozen carp.

That''s an interesting statement. Why? just replayability? And do you think any particular type of non-linearity would be best?

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

I''ve been thinking about doing a dating sim (wouldn''t do a straight up hentai game, nothing that would get higher than M or T under ESRB ratings.) Really it wouldn''t be so much of a dating sim as it would be a social interaction based adventure-RPG with graphics and an interface like a dating sim. It would be completely non-linear and open ended. I''m also thinking of making it psuedo realtime (while the game is running), and letting you have the game play certain sections in the background on a day by day basis automatically, kind of like Progress quest. Who knows if I''ll actually get started on it, there are lots of projects that I would like to do, but no one project that I really want to do.
I really liked True Love. It's a hentai game, but I thought the
actual gameplay was more fun than watching the anime boobies.

My Japanese is only so-so. I tend to stay away from the Jap
dating sims because they use way more Kanji than I know.
I don't know why these games never caught on here, what with the
adoption of more and more japanese culture these days.

Of course, it's not like the few that DO make it here ever get
much coverage and I can't see most guys with the cahones(sp?) to
buy it in a store.

Damn...we really need to redevelop our ideas on sex and love

"da da da"

[edited by - hyatus on January 30, 2003 5:14:27 PM]

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