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Is not the Landfish... ah, fergit it.

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13 comments, last by Deqlan 24 years ago
You know, Landfish isn''t the god you people think he is. He''s actually a stygian demon manifested on Earth with the sole intention of harvesting corrupt human souls through the computer game medium. He comes here with a few ideas that only an infernal being of incredible power and ridiculous free time would even contemplate, makes them sound incredibly intelligent and well thought-out, and generates a stunning amount of enthusiasm, setting the trap. In twenty years, when Landfish is a multinational business entity that controls people''s every waking thought via it''s ''Interactive'' programming efforts, when all you helpless humans cry yourself every night, knowing you worshipped this false idol, supported his rise to power, and even helped him crush the opposition, when it is all you can do to keep your children locked in the basement to prevent their souls from being tainted by the desire for a new ''Landfish Brand Brainwashing'', you''ll look back on this post, and say, "Wow. That guy who wrote that post warning us about Landfish also had a lot of free time on his hands. Perhaps he was a demon in disguise too." Thank you for your time. I can''t come up with a signiture right now. Ask me again later.
I can''t come up with a signiture right now. Ask me again later.
This is nothing new. We''ve known the evil ways of the Landfish. We know that he brings the fate of inevidible destruction of everything we now experience. All that we can do is try to remain on his good side.
Need help? Well, go FAQ yourself. "Just don't look at the hole." -- Unspoken_Magi
Two new threads about ME in one day, and this ain''t even the Lounge! Where did I go right? =)

"The unexamined life is not worth living."
======"The unexamined life is not worth living."-Socrates"Question everything. Especially Landfish."-Matt
I once thought of eating Landfish, but he probably wouldn''t taste good unless he was a salmon or halibut.

- DarkMage139
"Real game developers don't change the rules. Real game developers don't break the rules. Real game developers make the rules!"
"Originality (in games) is the spice of life!"
- DarkMage139
The only type of Landfish I could find were catfish. Guess you shouldn''t bother, DarkMage.

BTW, I appreciate that Landfish is the personification of Apple''s (tm) "Think Different(tm)" logo, but I''ve never completely agreed with him. He''ll never get me unstuck from my one-tracked thinking.
Would taste nice with a bit of ketchup

All messages are of my own personal opinion and
not meant to offend. But if they do - tough :)

-----------------------------------------------All messages are of my own personal opinion and not meant to offend. But if they do - tough :)Neuro.
======"The unexamined life is not worth living."-Socrates"Question everything. Especially Landfish."-Matt
Well, we all came from the sea at one time, and the Landfish was one of our leaders at that time...

Maybe this landfish is taking us back again...and considering 70% of Earth is water, maybe that''ll help the overcrowding a little bit. Let''s jump back into the water and de-evolve
You either believe that within your society more individuals are good than evil, and that by protecting the freedom of individuals within that society you will end up with a society that is as fair as possible, or you believe that within your society more individuals are evil than good, and that by limiting the freedom of individuals within that society you will end up with a society that is as fair as possible.
Well now,

Something like 90% of our body''s are
water so maybe it''s posible that
Landfish is a new kind of human.
An evoloution of the future perhaps,
or just a medevil fish, you decide.


Mega Moh Mine!!
Don''t worry Landfish, I would _never_ eat you...hey what''s that behind you... (approaches with knife and fork)

"Here comes armageddon, we're gonna have some fun.
Here comes armageddon, everybody grab your gun"
-------------------------------------------The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.Exodus 14:14

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