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are RPGs going out of style?

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14 comments, last by Dade 11 24 years ago
I''m thinking of creating an RPG. Are they out of style? Are games like Half-Life and Diablo 2 in syle now? Dade 11
Don''t make games to be popular, make games you''re passionate about, that''s what makes good games and that''s what makes games popular.


I think that style changes so quickly that especially when you are only beginning to design a game, you might almost want to pick a genre that is NOT in style

Really though, I think people should let go of the whole principle of style. Style to me means that people follow other people''s actions. Instead of discovering what they like best themselves, they merely copy what others do.

And...style works against itself, because once something is in style, people flock to ''get'' it...and then all of a sudden it''s not really all that special anymore, so they flock to something else (because once they start flocking, the supply they get starts to degrade in quality)

Just give up on style...and create a game YOU would like.

(sorry for the heavy thinking, but I''m just really fed up with ''style'' in every possible area...''wear this'' ''eat this'' ''drive this'' ''do this'' ''enjoy this'' ''watch this''...argh!)
You either believe that within your society more individuals are good than evil, and that by protecting the freedom of individuals within that society you will end up with a society that is as fair as possible, or you believe that within your society more individuals are evil than good, and that by limiting the freedom of individuals within that society you will end up with a society that is as fair as possible.
One thing I''ve noticed about this forum is that straight forward answers are almost impossible to get. But here''s one for you.

RPGs are definitely not going out of style. In fact, I think there has been a resurgence in interest in the genre in general. We are even seeing heavily RPG related elements spilling over into the action FPS genre (System Shock, Thief, Deus Ex) Purely action games are starting to lose their edge to games that are offering up more enhanced experiences either in terms of story, teamplay dynamics, or dynamic character building.

That being said though, everything else that has been said in this thread still holds true. Make what you enjoy, and don''t feel like you''re limited to the predefined genres that exist today. Some of the greatest games today are ones that ignore the genre line and blur the definitions.
I aint the smartest man in the world, but isnt diablo 2 an rpg?
I am XiCI don't do talk, I code: passion is my feul. Use my programs, experience XiC. http://www.x-i-c.com/
Well Diablo I was certainly anything but an RPG. Please excuse the expression, but I would call it an RPG for the masses (dont misunderstand me :-)because its ease of use misses out alot of things. It''s fun to play, but its simplified combat, its (inexistant) storyline and the idea that you end up 43x more powerfull than you were in the beginning with a 28x better sword that the common steel sword just doesn''t put it in the RPG category.
Please correct me if i''m wrong, but Diablo II doesnt seem to be much different that the first opus in that way.
BTW, wouldn''t it be a good idea to make an rpg that makes all AD&D rules transparent ? IMHO actual CRPGs are very immersive to start with but you completely hook off when the game becomes a huge maths problem (like How good is my armor :
(armor bonus 12 + stone skin spell level 3) * level 20 + sword of smiting + 2 = 302 ! way cool...)
That would be IMHO a good way to make a RPG that''s not out of style

Here''s my take:

CRPGs/Games with RPG elements are hot right now and will remain so as long as companies produce decent ones.

DiabloII isn''t a CRPG, although it has RPG elements.

Again, create a game you want to play, if it''s an RPG, all the better.

Breakaway Games

Former Microsoft XNA and Xbox MVP | Check out my blog for random ramblings on game development

ok, thanks for the in sight

Dade 11
Well Now,

Don''t bend to other peoples habits. Make
a game which is fun to create and also fun
to play. Then you have a truly good game.
RPG''s are great and graphics are nice but
they are not everything, help though.


Mega Moh Mine!!
Hm psst...... dont tell anyone but Diablo is really a Rogue-like game. Ouch! SLap! I take that back!

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