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4 comments, last by CHASIS-BLADE 20 years, 9 months ago
OUTBREAK By CHASIS-BLADE Part One: A World That Was After the Iraq war ended things started to settle down. The security checks at Airports became lighter and Iraq was ready to begin a real election now that the country was neutral. Now that the world was finally over the events of 9/11 people could just forget about weapons of mass destruction and move into a new 21st century that could make use of the planet that we share. Around 2011 we discovered the power that soil could provide - the power of clean energy (using Heat, Light and Water we could harness a clean reusable power that we called Phototronic Energy). The Fuel-Cell expanded the power of cars eliminating the use of Petroleum, Coal and Oil and provided drivers with a steady less volatile vehicle that would get people from point A to point B in half the time of a ordinary petrol fuelled car. In 2014 the United States of America elected Madame President Johnson and with her own money and will power she managed to outlaw Tobacco in America. Soon after her influences helped to reduce the amount of smokers around the world and when everyone stopped smoking the cigar and cigarette companies went bankrupt solving the smoking problem worldwide. 2017 was a fantastic year for invention, a hovering engine was created that was small enough to fit into a skateboard creating a new teenage fad and sport which was recognised by the Olympics. These boards were dubbed many names like Hover-Board And Dek-Jet but finally got the name Dek. Holograms were also perfected and were installed in the place of Billboards, Televisions and Mobile Phones became Holographic - soon after nearly every visual product was holographic. In January 2018 Madame President Johnson Was Re-Elected for a second term as President…But all was about to change. On February 7th 2018 a young man in France started coughing and spluttering violently – on assuming that he had a cold he rushed home to bed but three hours after he started coughing he suddenly froze up and fell over dead. At least 28 people saw him die that day but more were to follow…two hours later those same 28 started coughing and spluttering. 13 of the 28 people checked themselves into Paris hospital…they all died at 20:14 that day the other 15 fell dead elsewhere and another group of people saw them. Two weeks later the population of France was cut down by more than three quarters, Germany was on its knees to this Virus and England was slowly losing its population. The Virus was then studied by scientists and discovered that the infection transfers itself to other when the person passes on but after much deliberation it was decided that the infection be named the JENI infection. Asia was being invaded by the JENI as well but the numbers were quite fewer that France and Germany. Americas south west was hit hard with the Virus but soon after President Johnson went live to America and declared ‘The JENI will not be admitted into this country without a fight!’ so under direct orders from the president the infected were shot on sight by the army special forces. Soon after she asked for protective force-domes to be placed around the cities that had not been struck by the virus and so they were put in place quickly protecting all who dwelled inside. In Japan the computer virus CREED hit every single computer in Japan but this was no ordinary virus it linked all the computers in Japan together to create a Surge to knock out the Japanese Army’s anti-virus and when it did break in it launched Three Stealth Nuclear warheads aimed at London, Mexico City and Atlanta. After asking for forgiveness the question arose why the missiles were aimed at those sites. Soon after President Johnson launched an attack on Japan but she ordered everyone to be killed…even children. The Troops performed their orders to the letter but questioned why this was their mission?. After some Questioning President Johnson admitted she was on heavy medication and on doctors orders she was removed from office. The attacks on Japan halted on August 9th 2018 and a formal apology was made by the U.S. but still there was no President in office so it was decided on a truly absurd notion that the Country hand over all the Presidential powers to the highest bidder. On March 18th 2019 it was decided that the owners of the United States of America hand the control of the country to Makashimi Zentol of Zentol.inc. There first Decree was for the police to be replaced by a elite squad called The Zenis, the second order was a 7:30pm Curfew….for all, and finally a tax for all who dwelled within the dome $19.000 a month and those who could not pay were to be Exiled from the domes. As the years went by new Zenis were put on the street to judge people on the spot – in just one year 10.000 people were exiled for petty crime and breaking the curfew. Now 10 years have passed and I can finally tell my story. YOU BETTER TAPE THIS KIDDIES WE GOT ALL YOUR FAVORITES!
Your story doesn't make alot sense its filled with numerous inconsistance and events that don't make sense from social, or political stand point.

"The Fuel-Cell expanded the power of cars eliminating the use of Petroleum, Coal and Oil"

Petroleum is a multibillion dollar international industry eliminating it would cause a world wide resesion.

"she managed to outlaw Tobacco in America"
unlikly since tobacco is a billion dollar industry and making it illegal would cause a second probibtion. Where tobacco was controlled by criminals.

"2017 was a fantastic year for invention, a hovering engine was created that was small enough to fit into a skateboard creating a new teenage fad and sport which was recognised by the Olympics"

It takes many years for a sport to be recongized by the olympics and is not going to happen to a fad thats only a few months old.

"on assuming that he had a cold he rushed home to bed but three hours after he started coughing he suddenly froze up and fell over dead. At least 28 people saw him die that day but more were to follow"

If he is home in bed how did he fall over dead, and why where 28 people standing around watching him lying in bed dying it doesn't make a lot of sense.

"two hours later those same 28 started coughing and spluttering"

A virus that goes from infection to terminal in five hours will burn its very quickly it would be nearly impossible for it to become an international epidemic once prober contemnt procedure where instituted. If you want it to become an epidmic, a week to a month after infection for symptons and death set in would allow the virus to prolificate.

"Americas south west was hit hard with the Virus"

Why the south west? Since the virus orginated in Europe the East coast would be most likely to be hit hardest. Also How would the virus reach the united states if death ocurs 5 hours after infection, thats not long enough for a infected person to reach america from europe alive, and if they died enroute the whole plane would be quartined, they wouldn't let infected passengers leave as if nothing happened.

"so under direct orders from the president the infected were shot on sight by the army special forces."

First off shooting people on sight is increadbly illegal and the president doesn't have the power to pass that kind of law. Also how are the special forces which is the small branch of the armed forces able to tell who is clean and who is infected. Since according to your discription of the virus, there are almost no noticable symptoms. In theory I suppose they could just shoot everyone nearby when some dies of the virus but that doesn't sound like a very effective means of controlling an outbreak.

"Soon after she asked for protective force-domes to be placed around the cities that had not been struck by the virus and so they were put in place quickly protecting all who dwelled inside"

Why? Creating forces domes around cities seems like it would take a long time. Also there isn't much point if the virus is spread only to people within a small radius of the victim at the point of death. The time nessary to constuct a permeant barrier around even a small city would be far greater then the time it would take the virus to run its course assuming that the city was never infected during the construction time.

"Japanese Army’s anti-virus and when it did break in it launched Three Stealth Nuclear warheads aimed at London, Mexico City and Atlanta"

Japan doens't have an army per say, its part of the terms of their surrender in world war 2, they have a national defense force, but they would certainly not be a nuclear power. This can easily fixed by changing it to China rather then Japan, which would make more sense, since they already have ICBMs.

"President Johnson launched an attack on Japan but she ordered everyone to be killed…even children."

Again this wouldn't happen the president would never get congressional approval to start a war where the goal was to kill every one.

"but still there was no President in office so it was decided on a truly absurd notion that the Country hand over all the Presidential powers to the highest bidder"

If the president in unable to function then the vice-president becomes president and takes over control of the country. Having control of the nation handed over control to the highest bidder is extremly absurd also it violates the constitution and possible the bill of rights.

"within the dome $19.000 a month and those who could not pay were to be Exiled from the domes."

That an awful lot of money, far more then 90% of the popluation earns, the domes would virtually ghost towns in a few months. Also Why would people be conserned about being exiled, since by this time the virus would have run its course.

Writer, Programer, Cook, I'm a Jack of all Trades
Current Design project
Chaos Factor Design Document

[edited by - TechnoGoth on October 2, 2003 7:36:24 PM]
I will make a deal with you. If you break this into paragraphs, I will actually read it. I don''t mean to be rude, but my eyes are fatiuged as they are.
Im Sorry.
Its Just that I Have Been Working On This Story Since I Was Nine And Added A Few Bits To It So It Would Compensate For 9/11.
Also Im Autistic And Have Learning difficulties So Dont Judge So Harsh OKAY!
quote: Original post by CHASIS-BLADE
In 2014 the United States of America elected Madame President Johnson...

That isn''t possible either.
quote: Original post by CHASIS-BLADE
Im Sorry.
Its Just that I Have Been Working On This Story Since I Was Nine And Added A Few Bits To It So It Would Compensate For 9/11.
Also Im Autistic And Have Learning difficulties So Dont Judge So Harsh OKAY!

I think TechnoGoth had some good points, and you should change some of these things to make the story more realistic. The basic plot wouldn''t be seriously affected.

You have to be able to take some criticism to be able to make a great game, and you need to learn to pick out the creative criticism and make use of it.

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