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Explicit Images and Language in Game design

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6 comments, last by D 23 years, 11 months ago
I think this topic needs to be discussed in today''s modern world, since sex is now solidly a part of our (western) culture and because many more females are playing games now than before. I would think that explicit language and imagery when used in a game in a proper fashion would be a good idea. In some cases it provides a colourful backdrop to the game world. Like in a cyberpunk or even modern era RPG (that''s teh genre that I am focusing on with this post), it would provide realism to the game. Also in the characters speech certain amounts of swear words and cursing would be appropraite to what type of cahracter they are, for instance a street based drug dealer would obviously have a more colourful speech than a top executive in a large business firm. But on the other hand how do we stop minors form being exposed to obscene levels of explicit material in a game, a password option like in Duke3d would be an appropriate start, but then there will be cracks that will come out etc. But then how would the drug dealer talk like? would you just have a bunch of ****''s in the text? This might actually ruin some of the gameplay for the people. This would also apply for images of adverts etc. Also because of more females that play games, is it still appropraite or will it be appropriate to have scantily clad women running around in games still? Could they get offended by that? or would they be playing the scantily clad women themselves? Personally I think some would get offended and some wouldn''t to varying degrees. So this is what the argument and thread boils down to. A.) Should we have explicit language and imagery used in certain genres of games, particularily RPG''s, and games set in the modern world? B.) And if we use a password to block out the eplicit language and imagery then what do we put in its place, especially in the speech of NPC''s? Now for a possibly obscene quote "Life''s a Bitch, slap it hard!" - Friend Dæmin (Dominik Grabiec) sdgrab@eisa.net.au CyberPunk RPG http://www.eisa.net.au/~sdgrab/index.html
Daemin(Dominik Grabiec)
I think using explicit language and sexual material in a game is acceptable when it is not put in purpose just to buy the game because "the characters swear and fuck".

The explicit language should be used only if it serves to the character''s "character" and attitude.It is like using archaic language in medieval RPG''s.
And sexual actions should be used only if they serve to the plot of the game.

As for the protection of the minors,i believe that if the game shows healthy sexual relationships and faces sex as a common act for the characters(and not being the purpose of the game) it is not nessecary to be forbidden to the minors to play.
It could be educative in contrast!

Here these words vilifiers and pretenders, please let me die in solitude...
"since sex is now solidly a part of our (western) culture"

Heh! Be realistic, dude. Sex has been a part of every human culture since humans have been around. It''s just the stuff you don''t learn about in your high school history class. In fact, our culture is relatively conservative regarding many of its ideas about sex, especially when it comes to extramarital affairs.

Anyway, it''s up to the parents to monitor what their children are playing, just like with movies and television. The idea of blocking out cursing isn''t a new one, it''s been done (Fallout for example). But the ''questionable for children'' content in Fallout is much more than a few four-letter words. There was so much violence, sex, and drug use in that game that the cursing seemed strangely mild =).

-RWarden (roberte@maui.net)
I personally believe we need a division of sorts in the industry. This way there is no problem with having to worry about minors cracking the game. Leave it up to the retailers to sort it out.

I also wouldn't want to see the computer games industries image ruined by special interest group protesting about games that should be in their own category. I see no problem with taking a page out of the movie industry book to handle these issues.

I love Game Design and it loves me back.

Edited by - Paul Cunningham on July 9, 2000 10:30:20 AM
Actually - this topic was discussed recently and I think my personal conclusion was that it's fine to have explicit imagery in a game if it adds to the game. If it doesn't then there's no point as it will only anger more parents.

Also my personal opinion is that it's up to the parents to have an active involvement with the games that children play and they can pretend to be ignorant all they like so they can blame game developers but I won't hear it.

Thirdly - if there is a target audience in a game then why try to please the other audience? Trying to make something that appeals to all so you have to decide if you are targeting a female audience with your cyberpunk RPG or not. If you are, then the game will be totally different from what it would be if you are going to target the typical "male audience".

Edited by - Maitrek on July 9, 2000 2:58:58 AM
Join up with GASP now! (Gamers Against Stupid Parents!) And we will rid this world of unintelligent, blame-everyone type parents and hopefully return to parents the ability to look after their own sons and daughters!

p.s. i think it''s fine, the more the merrier! ;p but it should deal with the game, usually.
The password system is about the most unimmersive idea I can think of (no offense to Daemin, he wasn''t the one who invented it ). I feel that a designer''s goal in an RPG or Adventure game is to make the player BELIEVE in the game world ... nothing should stop you from doing that.

However, you can make a believable drug dealer WITHOUT using such profane language that the ESRB would give your game an "AO" rating (Adults Only).

Also, you can''t design with the one group of people who won''t like your ideas in mind. You won''t get anything done that way. If you feel that a bunch of scantily clad women running around is essential to your game, don''t bother thinking of the many feminists out there. Games are not, as of yet, a mass-market industry. You can''t appeal to every audience.

Changing the future of adventure gaming...
Atypical Interactive
------------------------------Changing the future of adventure gaming...Atypical Interactive
what i seem to be reading here is basically a because i can mentallity. you all must realize that not every game will benefit from explicit language and ultra violence and sex. even within the context of this post and rpgs, it is not needed. a fanatasy rpg, for example, would definitely not benefit from profanity introduced into the vocab. maybe mideval insults and swears. you must consider the context of the game before you decide to through all of this in there. would half had been a better game if there were a little tit action? no, i cant see how. would ultima 7 be better if the avatar talked like travolta and jackson in pulp fiction? again, no. would quake be better? maybe. as some one mentioned above, if you have characters swearing, they should be the kind of character you may swear a lot. a priest is not going to begin and end every sentence with fuck. a marine might.

on another note, i personnally am not against mature content in games. i would prefer to hear a character swear then utter some ridiculous euphimism (like when they edit movies for tv; "yippy kiya mother lover!". so so so sad).

and about kids getting their hands on it: it is not our problem. make the game you want to make and then worry about that crap. if some paranoid ignornamous of a parent falls for that media crap about video games causing the downfall of society and the increase in juvenille deliquincy and global warming and the apocalypse and whatever they are trying to blame them for, then screw em. it should be made clear though on the packaging and advertisements that the game contains such material so that concerned (naive?) parents can be helped in making the decision to buy or not. if soldier of fortune never mentioned the level of violence in the game, how many pissed of parents do you think there would be in the returns line? far far too many i am sure. (there were probably some disappointed gmaers too).


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