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portrait of the game as a work of art

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5 comments, last by arka 20 years, 6 months ago
This is in direct continuation of my reply on the "subtlety lost on gamers" thread. I had there raised the issue of the perception of games as a medium of expression, and whether they have acceptance as a medium of artistic expression. Is it possible, conceptually or commercially, to create the gaming equialent of the cerebral novel of ideas or a musical symphony? And if so, then what form might it take? because after all, a game has to have playability, whereas an idea centric novel or even a film is, usually, more concerned with abstract philosophical musings. But I guess the bare essence of the question is this, can games be made, within the native fabric of hte medium, a conscious mode of expressing the most fundamental and universal human truths? because after all that is art, and nothing else. Logos Incarnatus
Logos Incarnatus
I''m only going to half-answer, I want to think on this a little more - but offhand I don''t see why such a game CAN''T be made.

But would such a game ever be produced? Or be bought?
[font "arial"] Everything you can imagine...is real.
quote: Original post by arka
a conscious mode of expressing the most fundamental and universal human truths?

such as ?

Sorry if this sounds lame,but such as the quest for beauty (in its most genereal sense), and an exploraion of hte agoneis and ecstasies of the human condition.

Logos Incarnatus
Logos Incarnatus
There are a large number of art/game threads in the archives, including one within the last month. They discuss some of these issues.

Just so you know.

[edit: clicky]

[edited by - liquiddark on December 18, 2003 5:31:39 PM]
No Excuses
I think that the only plausible way for you to achieve such high goals in a computer game would be a conceptual masterpiece and a commercial catastrophe. Yes..games could be made to express the most fundamental of human truths. But the question is...how? The only real way to do this is through a heavily story-driven game, probably containing more cut-scenes and dialogue than acutal gameplay. With the story as the medium, you can persuade the player to any philisophical end you so desire. However, it boils down to the all-important question...Is the game fun? Chances are, it won''t be. For example, if I wanted to indulge myself in "abstract philisophical musings," then I would read a book. If I sit down to play a computer game, or any other game for that matter, I expect entertainment, not a PHL101 class. Most likely, I would sit down to play Warcraft III or Counterstrike...the perfect mixture of entertainment and thinking. I dare say that most people feel the same way. Granted, a game such as you suggest would be interesting to play, but would ultimately fail to convert the masses.

I might be stepping out on a branch here, but look at iD software. Way back, they created a game that was both highly entertaining and highly mind-numbing, but that''s beside the point. They appealed to a peron''s id, and they did it quite well. Is the game art? Of course it is...it changed the way we look at computers and began to drive us in a totally new direction. Isn''t that what art is about, after all? (I always think of Leonardo da Vinci whenever I ponder this.) But most importantly, iD appealed to us, and we bought their product. And in the commercial world, that''s all that matters.

That''s my two-cents worth, anyway

art is such a word
and lead peaple to such a selfishness
the beauty is around us, it''s the life itself
what we failed is to see it because of the selfishness
but once you get the path, you just discover how lame our illusion are

art is just a word
beauty is another one
it''s appeal to us and play with our own desire
desire lead to illusion

because the world is not like we want but like it is as itself
his meaning is to change, and we have just to take part of his changement

accept it and you will have the true art and the true power to change thing

dance with the world
play the leelaa
be the great player in the universe

be good
be evil
but do it WELL
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>be goodbe evilbut do it WELL>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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