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ReichPunk - please give me your toughts and ideas

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23 comments, last by Ars BLS FAME 20 years, 5 months ago
Story Overview World War 2 doesn’t end in 1945. Hitler never commits suicide. Rommel is rescued by SAS commandos under control of General Patton. The Ardennes offensive delays the Allies, and gives enough time for Hitler to unleash his wunderwaffen(wonder weapons) and change the tide of the war. (1945-December)Hitler begins Operation Sea Lion(invasion of Britain) and destroys the Aldbourne buildup. (1945-December)Horten transatlantic Bombers begin making bombing runs in American cities and war factories. (1946-January)German Expeditionary Forces begins the invasion of the United States. (1946-spring)Russia is pushed back to Stalingrad, and Hitler orders the Luftwaffe to drops the captured American A-Bomb on Stalingrad, and a month later takes the Kremlin. The Allies fight for another year. (1947-june 6) An armistice is signed. Hitler conquers the western world. Nazi Germany has expanded more than the Roman Empire at its greatest. THE THIRD REICH WILL CONTINUE FOR ANOTHER THOUSAND YEARS. 70% of the European population dies in the conflict, the majority are men. Hitler conquers the world, but after the war it’s not a much. Europe lays in Ruins. Hitler closes the borders of Europe, thus trapping allied soldiers inside, Hitler needs them to fill the dwindling population of Europe and allied soldiers are perfect for this. They become Europeans. In 1958, Germany leaves the US. America is free again. Life is deplorable in the troubled beginnings of the third reich. There’s hardly enough food to go around. Some resort to cannibalism. Others resist. Creating gangs, organizations or factions are created. they are revolutionaries among the populace. Gestapo learn about this. Hitler declares martial law on all of Europe, nobody can leave their assigned living quarters between 10:00 pm and 05:00am. Anyone found outside will be shot by the patrolling SS police squads. Your goal is to escape the Atlantic Wall with the help of the Old Age Germans and take that big boat home.(PLEASE GIVE MORE IDEAS FOR A FINAL OBJECTIVE IN THE GAME) GamePlay · FREEDOM!!!. Open-ended structure with a living, breathing world, were your action have reactions. · Kill or be Killed.A dark atmosphere plagues the Ruins of Europe were if you are not killed by SS or Gestapo, cannibals or gang members or any habitant will gladly kill and loot you. · Now you see me, now you don’t. Stealth is important at night, move quieted and hug the shadows to avoid detection by SS troops and gather all-important supplies like food and weapons & ammo. You also need stealth when going through gang neighborhoods where you are not liked or cannibal villages. · Vive la Revolution!. You can join revolutionaries in daring raids and acts of defiance against the Reich, they pay good money and you can loot nazis for more equipment or supplies. · Weapons are a man’s best friend. from the excellent M-1 Garand rifle to the new Assault rifle that allies and enemies both posses. There will be a lot weapons from trusty submachine guns to powerful flamethrowers or bazookas. · Can I have a “ Do it yourself EXPLOSIVES” book, please. Skills advance in the same way as any rpg, but instead of percentage you have levels. · How do you drive this thing?. You can control vehicles like jeeps, half-tracks, tanks and even Gyrocopters, but remember gas is expensive and doesn’t come easy. · Do these pants make my ass look fat?. From winter gear to the new Kevlar vest, you can chose clothes as a cosmetic change to your character or war time BDUs that give you luck or momentum. · Wow. From raids to atomic power plants, sighting Foo fighters to facing SS supermen, Hitler secret projects just keep getting weirder by the day. What’s next, mind control? Hey who are you? --(struggle)—(weird sound)—THERE ARE NO SUCH THINGS AS SECRET PROJECTS. · Nice view. 1ST and 3rd person perspectives. · Genre. I would describe it as a action(combat and vehicle combat)/rpg(stats and interaction) Well this is my idea (combining WW 2-alternate history-fallout mainly) ,its also meant to have some quirky and dark humor and be quite gory and mature, but you can''t see a lot of that in the description(hmmm.Fallout). I also don’t know if I should start just after the war(1950-1960 )or in the near future(1970-2000) Tell me your thoughts, ideas and anything that could be implemented. Gameplay and quest ideas(main and side quests)
I like the premise very much.

How dynamic will the world be? you say your character has total freedom, and that''s terrific, but can you really accomplish anything? Just escaping can''t be enough, it''s a coward''s victory, and I want to be a hero, or at least have the option.

So, if you join a revolutionary unit, can you actually get anything done? Can you beat the Reich? For my money, I want Hitler to be around, so I can personally stick a knife in his ribs, but that''s just me. I''d like to see a way to force a bunch of resources to be expended just keeping my revolution under control. Then, you could go to a weak spot and either escape or kick some Nazi ass. Quick point, Nazis are people too. Could Hitler clone up a bunch of supermen so I don''t feel bad whacking them? That would be nice.

Next, what do you escape to? Is there a remnant of the Allied powers that are still interested in launching an offensive? If I can score some good intel on the Reich''s situation, maybe I could get back to North America and get things whipped into shape. Come back across the pond with a bunch of GI''s in stolen technology, and stick it to the man.

Single-handedly killing Hitler is good, but might not end the Reich.

Arms smuggling, assassination, and any number of other awesome professions could be worked out.

Every good insurgent needs a legitimate front. Maybe you could get into the less chaotic districts and get a job with the Nazis. You could do some High Pockets-style night club owning, or even get a position in the SS.

Heck, how about being able to go Nazi and climb the imperial ladder?

This is a really cool setting, but it''s too big to cover every possibility in one game. Maybe if you just let the player do as much as they can before dropping over the wall (no small feat in and of itself) and then have the ending change based on who they saved, what they learned, and what they stole on the way out.
I have a question. Where do you start out? Are you living in a house in Berlin? Do you have a job? If you''re a citizen of Germany, why do you have to sneak everywhere? There''s still many hours of the day that aren''t curfew. And if you''re strolling around then, you would have no reason to fear the SS or Gestapo, unless you''re actively doing something criminal.

What about the normal down-trodden citizens? You realize I hope that 90% or so of the population would fall into this category. Just because people fall on hard times doesn''t mean they turn into violent gangsters ... and much less into savage cannibals. Both of those, especially the latter, would be a small minority.

There''d be 6 basic categories of "citizens".

1)Nazi-loyalists. They''d be pleased to turn you in.
2)Fearful. They don''t love the Nazis, but they''re so terrified of them they may turn you in to save themselves.
3)Passive. Don''t care much for the Nazis, but won''t do anything about it either way.
4)Covert Resistance. Live a normal life, but secretly aid the resistance.
5)Overt Resistance. Soldiers living on the outskirts, fighting the Nazis.
6)Criminal. Very dangerous, live in the outskirts. Being hunted by Nazis, and hate everyone that''s not themselves.

For one thing, I don''t feel like Escape is much of a victory. If I spent so much time in this environment, I''d want to impact it...not flee. You could make the "escape" be from the Nazi controlled zones to the wilderness where the Resistance is. And then help them out.

I could see your game as a progression of roles. Such as:

(1)You start out in the Covert Resistance. Sneaking around, gathering information. Maybe assassinating a few people. But all very stealthily.

(2)You get figured out. Maybe even captured. And you hold valuable information. You must escape to the Overt resistance, as you''re being hunted down.

(3)You join the Overt Resistance, and with your information attack key strategic areas and people, to weaken the Nazi hold. At which point, the full American army is able to attack, and Europe is freed.

....sounds like a blast to me.
Not too long ago, my brother bought a PlayStation 2 and a football game. He was about to be laid off for the winter and needed a game to keep him busy while he was home alone, doing nothing. He wanted my opinion and I chose to get him a game related to what he like, which is mob movies, so we picked up Hitman 2.

We played the game a lot that night. Pretty cool game. In it, you''re an assassin with a plethora of weaponry to off people. I''d like to see something like this in a war game. Not like all the first-person shooters that''re out now, and not like the real time strategies, either. The objective could be to knock out the Nazi regime from the inside. Maybe you''re a well-rounded soldier who poses as different soldiers in different positions under different generals, and you have to orchestrate the deaths of your squadron and make it look like everyone died, even you. After this, you could give the weaponry belonging to your squadron to covert resistance, overt resistance, and even the criminals on your side. By taking out a number of squadrons, you cripple the regime. Eventually, you could go on to guard factories that produce things like the Panzer tanks and weaponry and all it to be taken over by the resistance or blown up, further crippling the regime. The best mission, though, would have to be assassinating Hitler.

This would take extensive knowledge on World War II, including the weaponry, setting, how the army was set up, and so forth. It wouldn''t be as interesting if you did it half-assed and got no facts right.
You start out in the Covert Resistance. Sneaking around, gathering information. Maybe assassinating a few people. But all very stealthily.

(2)You get figured out. Maybe even captured. And you hold valuable information. You must escape to the Overt resistance, as you''re being hunted down.

(3)You join the Overt Resistance, and with your information attack key strategic areas and people, to weaken the Nazi hold. At which point, the full American army is able to attack, and Europe is freed.

there is not a full american army, as if destroying the buildup isnt enough; America was invaded and the reich installed a puppet goverment.

You wont play a resistance agent, you can choose to become one but I wouldnt want to force you through that path if you didnt want to.

Think of this game as Fallout with a First(or third) person perspective with a little more action.

You are living in the largest ghetto in Europe set in france bordering with germany and holland.
In this ghetto live different ethnic groups(french, brits, poles,greeks,etc)
the reason I named it ReichPunk is because I want this to be a universe with its own myths, legends and Rumors.

oh, and about the fallout type description, include real time combat.
So who are you? A remnant of the Allied forces who has been assimilated into the ghetto? A German who is in bad graces? I can''t imagine there are any Jews left, and the same goes for most minorities. You might be able to sneak by with being Scottish, but that''s as exotic as you can manage.

What happened to Japan and Italy? They were Axis.

For gameplay, I think it would be neat if the Ghetto was just one of the areas. It would be like the enemy base. You could sneak in and out, collecting data and evidence, or you could live there all the time and just meet with a contact from the outside now and again. You could communicate with pigeons or something, too. Or you could stay outside, and train for combat, and take part in commando raids against the Reich.

This idea has so much potential it boggles the mind.
A remnant of the Allied forces who has been assimilated into the ghetto?

YES! its in my first post.

there are still jews around altough on a "low" profile( there is rumor of a massive buildup of multi-national forces in the middle east).

the reason there are still some minorities around is that the Reich needs them as slave laborers and to fill the population of Europe(wich was nearly annihillated)
Germany and Russia agreed to an "Armistice".Russia is basically a weapons test site for the Reich.

Germany controls Europe(and secretly America)
Japan controls the Pacific,Asia and Australia.
Italy controls the mediterranean and North Africa.

of Course the Ghetto is just one of the Areas, you can visit bombed out cities, forests, villages, German(free) cities , military barracks and bases,etc.

Your goal is not to bring down the Reich, it so big now it just cant be beaten now(not without a massive army, wich no one can conjure)
In Schindler''s List, a German sympathizer lists thousands of Jews as workers of his to save them. That''s how it was. If a Jew was working for you, you saved his ass. That can explain why there''re Jews left.
Frankly, I love the concept, and the material. Good job!

However, I think the casualty figures for Europe are too high (70%!). Also, the timeline needs tweaking. 1946 is an impossible date for an invasion of the USA, even in a best-case scenario. Frankly, I don''t think it''s even required, as the USA ends up being free again - just end up with them on the losing side of the armistice.

A good idea would be to toss in some Indiana Jones-esque supernatural stuff. Make one of the possible story trees focus around the bizarre paranormal research the Nazis did. Have fun with it - Holy Grail, Lost Arcs, Wells of Life (Okay, those all actually happened. I''m scared too.) It would be a beautiful thing to rise through the Imperial ranks to see a nobility that''s obsessed with decadent arts like astrology and prophecy.

Another killer would be to toss in real-life figures that work in the resistance. Have Stalin elude capture and you meet up with him in one plotline. Maybe the BEF kept fighting and Montgomery is still alive, half-mad in the deserts of africa.

I think the game has endless *totally sweet* possibilites, and I''m quite frankly amazed that a thread that contains a dicussion of both Jews and the phrase "THE THIRD REICH WILL CONTINUE FOR ANOTHER THOUSAND YEARS." has not yet degenerated into an exchange of offensive Jewish jokes.

Good job,

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