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Another of RichardMV's game ideas

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5 comments, last by RichardMV 20 years, 3 months ago
I know I already have one up, but I have another idea I want to develop in writing, and I can also let it evolve here while I wait for an opportunity to implement it. Okay, here it is... Setting: Ancient Greece, near the Roman take over of just about everything in the area. There will be Gods and Goddesses, of course . Plot: you are a young bastard, son of a widdow of a merchant. She was impregnated by a beggar, who seduced her, then ran off with a great deal of her money. This has led your family to be destitute and looked down at. From the time you were little, you have wanted to bring your family''s name back into good graces, and now, at the age of 17, you have the chance to journey to the top of Mount Olympus to beg the Gods to return your family''s honor. You start your journey from a sea town, heading north to the city of Olympia, but your journey is a short one. On the path, you meet a beautiful young woman, who walks forward and begins to speak to you about your family. When you tell her of your desire to return your family''s honor, she smiles and leans forward, telling you that she is sure Zeus would grant that humble request. The woman walks away as soldiers come toward you. They introduce themselves as Minoans, and capture you as their sacrifice to the minotaur. Obviously you aren''t happy about your situation, but the Minoans don''t care. You are tossed to the labyrinth, where you confront and defeat the dreaded Minotaur. Escape, however, is still a matter of going deep under the city of Minos and finding your way through an ancient system of caverns. You emerge outside of the city, and (not sure of my Grecian geography, I''ll check sometime) head to a sea town a good distance to the east. You aquire a boat and return to the shore of the continent, where you resume your journey to Olympia. On the path, there will be towns and NPC''s, such as the Grecian Five, a group of Cretans, Etc. Soon, however, you reach your destination. Any comments? I''ll write more later, and there certainly is more to write, from the peak of olympus and the Temple of the Gods to the River Styx and the Prism Hourglass. Richard Veysey, "RichardMV"
____________________________________________________________unofficial Necromancer of GameDev forums Game Writing section
It seems like a pretty standard wandering game story. You''ll have to play fast and loose with mythology is you want the player to kill the minotaur, since that''s generally considered to be Theseus''s job. I guess you could just knock it out, or sneak out of the Labyrinth or something.

I''m curious as to how Zeus will restore your family''s honor. I assume that you''ll get their after doing great deeds and earning respect of everyone, and you''ll say, "Might Zeus, I beseech you to restore my family''s honor," and he''ll say, "Young lad, your great works have already done so." Then that chick from the beginning (who has shown up a few other times, usually right before you got into trouble) will come out and you''ll hook up.

If I''m anywhere near right, then what you''ve got there is a formulaic story, which basically serves as an excuse for chopping and wandering. It''s the after-school special of video games.
Playing fast and loose with mythology is nothing like what I''m going to do. The story has only just begun, and is only a third to half over when you meet Zeus. And the woman ain''t gonna'' hook up with the player, since she''s already married to Chronos. Rhea chooses the player to be a pawn with which to revive her late husband by bringing the Gods of Asgard (that''s probably spelled wrong... the Norse Gods), the remaining Titans, and the Greek Gods into a great war. The spirit of Chronos, which has been lying dormant in the Prism Hourglass for many centuries, and somehow (I''ll have to think about the cause) your actions bring about it''s shattering, and the freeing of Chronos, who immediately goes about imprisoning the other Gods (both Norse and Greek) and the other Titans as he attempts to sieze absolute power as the prime God. In order to free the other Gods, the player must travel to the Prism Hourglass and ressurect the deseased Gods in there purest, final form. You bring Zeus and Odin (or Thor, not quite sure which fits better) back as Jupiter, etc. Then, with the returned powers of the Gods behind you, you must face Chronos.

I have just come up with a reason for Rhea to choose the player as a pawn: a titan (I''ll do research and come up with a name) who, along with being the player''s father (the bastard father, who took the form of a beggar). What would the titan''s role in this be? They feel cheated by the way that Zeus seems to hold so much power in his hands, while the titans, almost equal to the Gods in their eyes, are cheated and left with almost nothing. So when the seductive voice of Rhea tells the Titans that if they do what they are told, they can have power, they listen.
____________________________________________________________unofficial Necromancer of GameDev forums Game Writing section
quote: Original Post by RichardMV
Playing fast and loose with mythology is nothing like what I''m going to do.

Does this mean you aren''t playing fast and loose with mythology, or does this mean that you''re playing so fast and so loose with mythology that this is an understatement? From the content of your post, I''ll assume the latter.

Oof. I think you''ll be better off making up your own gods for this. You can make them uncannily similar to the gods of the Greek and Norse traditions, but if you start using them like this it''s going to confuse the crap out of players. Convoluting the already sketchy history of the Greek and Roman traditions, holding fast to some stories and totally ignoring others, and introducing what amounts to a cross-over story with the Norse pantheon is like having Superman and Wolverine teaming up to fight Buck Rogers and the Pope for the future of Atlantis. It''s bizarre, and the already solidly defined characters actually make the story less reputable, instead of having the opposite effect.

You might just be a huge Neil Gaiman fan, but this sort of thing doesn''t work unless you''re putting forth some kind of overarching metaphysical medium in which it can take place.

To be more specific:

quote: Original Post by RichardMV
You bring Zeus and Odin (or Thor, not quite sure which fits better) back as Jupiter, etc.

Jupiter is the Roman name for Zeus. They''re basically the same character, with a few concessions to the modified Roman worldview. How does blending the Greek version with a Norse god produce the Roman one?

quote: Original Post by RichardMV
The spirit of Chronos, which has been lying dormant in the Prism Hourglass for many centuries, and somehow (I''ll have to think about the cause) your actions bring about it''s shattering, and the freeing of Chronos, who immediately goes about imprisoning the other Gods (both Norse and Greek) and the other Titans as he attempts to sieze absolute power as the prime God. In order to free the other Gods, the player must travel to the Prism Hourglass and ressurect the deseased Gods in there purest, final form.

I don''t recognize the "Prism Hourglass" idea. Is it Greek? Roman? Norse? Did you make it up yourself? In any event, if you shatter it to free Chronos, how does he stick the other gods in it? This is just a simple inconsistency, and I''m sure that the glass could be restored somehow, but it''s still a little iffy.

Besides, didn''t Zeus kill Chronos? Or did he just castrate him? I remember that Chronos castrated Ouranos, and Ouranos fled into he void because he had no more creative essence. If Chronos got the same treatment, he should have nothing to gain by conquering the world.

In any event, I encourage you to fabricate your own pantheon for this story. It can be made to work with a little bit of effort. After all, you''ve already made up most of the back story for the gods you''re using. With a little bit more work, you can just make a whole new system.

One fiinal criticism, it sounds like it''ll be a pretty linear game, and heavy on the story. Be careful about making it too straightforward. Often even a good short story makes for a lousy game. If you put too much effort into the sequence of events and the specific relationships between characters, you won''t have a chance to built any breadth into the game. Keeping to the plot will be more important than making a good game, and that will show.
Such, as an awful awful story, filled with inconsistencey and things that just don''t make sense.

First off humans can''t goto the top of mount olympus, the gods had a habit of killing humans foolish enough to attempt it. Only those who are invited by the Gods can ascend to the summit.

Second why should Zeus care about your families honor? Restoring a poor family to power is not the kind of thing the Gods would care about.

Generly kidnappers don''t go high where here to to kidnap you. Oh and Minos was a city on the island of crete.

Chronos is dead, Zeus killed him and imprisioned the surving titans in the underworld.

What are the Norse gods doing in greece?

I thought you said the gods would imprisoned then you have the player resurecting them in the final form???What is this final form anyway? Also like mentioned Jupiter is just the roman name for Zeus.

I have to agree with Iron Chef Carnage, either create your own mythology, or at least take the time to properly learn about the mythologies your trying to portray.

Writer, Programer, Cook, I''m a Jack of all Trades
Current Design project: Ambitions Slave
First off, the idea just came to me the other day, I''m still polishing details. The Zeus + Thor = Jupiter idea is that all these Gods existed together, and the old Gods evolve, through cultural and societal evolution, to become new gods. I wanted to introduce more intrigue by adding the element of conflicting Gods, but maybe that might not work so well. As to the point of Minos, notice that I did not mention the boat. I assure you that I forgot that detail, as I did have a feeling that Minos was on Crete, but wasn''t entirely sure. When the player is kidnapped, you may note that he hasn''t yet reached Olympus, and I plan for the game to start in the extreme southern part of Greece. I haven''t done any research yet, as it is a new idea, less than a week old, so it''s very scattered. Although in the legends Zeus killed Chronos, who said the legends are all correct? The hourglass is an idea I had for a seventh grade writing assignment after reading a shortened translation of the odessy. I have moderately adapted it, and forgot I had it break to free Chrnos. Perhaps the seal between the two halves of the hour glass splits, causing the hourglass to open. This could easily be sealed once again by Chronos to imprison the Gods. I suppose I could remove the Norse Gods and go for something closer, such as Egyptian Gods. This way, there could be a better explaination. I want the journey to be long. I want to make it semi-linear (slightly more linear than Baulders Gate).

Point taken on climbing Mount Olympus. Here''s a better idea: Hermes comes, bearing word from Zeus when the player goes to the temple of Zeus in Olympus. This eliminates the climbing of the mountain. When the player goes to Zeus, it is not asking for a favor. It is more of a desire to find a way to restore the familial honor; to ask Zeus for a heroic quest.

I''m going to stretch Greek myth, but I don''t plan to totally change the mythology. You''ve already pointed out some inconsistancies, and with your help, I can clear out some more.

What I''ve written is just the few initial ideas I''ve come up with. I''ll probably have a whole bunch of new ideas coming into my head over the weekend. Thanks for all the advice.
____________________________________________________________unofficial Necromancer of GameDev forums Game Writing section
quote: Original post by Iron Chef Carnage
...what amounts to a cross-over story with the Norse pantheon is like having Superman and Wolverine teaming up to fight Buck Rogers and the Pope for the future of Atlantis.

ROFLMAO!!!!!!! OMG That would be SO funny! Wolverine would jumpp down and say ''time to say your prayers, bub'' and the pope would sit there a mumble bible versus and tell storys about the good ol'' days, only to have a bolt of lighting strike wolverine dead.

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