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Why not VB is the question you should be asking

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36 comments, last by Spaghetti 23 years, 10 months ago
is that a challenge ??
Just to let you know - asking about VB and game development on a board dominated by C++ programmers is a little like walking into the Chinese Communist Party and asking for a list of the benefits of Capitalism.

"VB is slow, but I don''t think that VB is THAT slow. Maybe it''s with your algorithm? "

I translated my algorithm exactly, but since in VB it was comparing selected text in rich text boxes, just setting the charet position in the file generated a SelChange event that in turn called a SelChange event. Then it used the slow-ass InStr function. When done in the Afore mentioned control, I just passed both files as CStrings, which I can grab any part of without generating events.
It wasn''t a comparison like most of you''d think though. The sizes of the two files were 329kb and 113kb. They didn''t have the same content but had they had the same output.

"asking about VB and game development on a board dominated by C++ programmers is a little like walking into the Chinese Communist Party and asking for a list of the benefits of Capitalism."

I''d say its more like going to an NRA meeting and touting the benefits of gun control.

Big B

NRA? Gun control? I would say that is a little far off. VB may not be as fast as C++ (which I use), but it certainly can make games a lot quicker (development time wise). For instance, none of my game ideas have yet been completed, and it can take forever to finish parts of my games. And who knows how far I could have gone are already if I were using VB. Like Spaghetti said, it only took him six months.
Am I missing something here? Sure, VB makes GUI application programming significanly easier, but how can it do the same for games, which generally don''t use the Windows GUI at all?
I agree with above post. Setting up your GUI etc... will most definitley be faster in VB but come on, how long does that really take? Let''s be completley unrealistic and say 2 weeks. The rest of the code is still going to take the same amount of time, and for an experienced c/c++ programmer much less time since C/C++ is a much more powerful programming language. VB is great for testing out ideas, but let''s face it, it has no real future in Video Game development.
Ok Atura, thats fair to say, I thought the same thing until about 5 months ago after I had managed to creat a small demo in 1 month from scratch using VB with DX7 for the first time.

Im sure if you downloaded my game and tested it out you will think twice about your last statement.


Some other guy created a pretty good isometric shell for a game in C/C++ with only three or four weeks of DX. Anyway, VB loads about a million DLLs, is highly unportable, slow, doesn''t have the same power, doesn''t have the basic math functions (and the ones that it has are unbearably slow). Microsoft programmers themselves porgram in C/C++. Ach, im going to /dev/null for this one.


A wise man once said "A person with half a clue is more dangerous than a person with or without one."
-----------------------------A wise man once said "A person with half a clue is more dangerous than a person with or without one."The Micro$haft BSOD T-Shirt
>> Anyway, VB loads about a million DLLs <<

Same thing goes for using the Windows API in C++. It loads about a million DLLs too
I'm reminded of the day my daughter came in, looked over my shoulder at some Perl 4 code, and said, "What is that, swearing?" - Larry Wall
I think that in the near future VB or C won''t matter. I heard that Microsoft is aiming to do a simgle development environment in wich multiple programmers will be able to work on a single program in different languages. And it will be compiled about the same way. Microsoft is really pushing VB to be able to eventually compete with C.

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