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How to get a server

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36 comments, last by Dynamite 23 years, 4 months ago
Actually, this develop then get published thing is becoming more popular, at least with the modification scenes. Just think Counterstrike or Gunman. Okay, Gunman was never released for free, but it was developped as a free mod since Quake 1 times. Now it''s released by Sierra (based on the Half-Life engine). They changed to making it commercial only few months before the actual release, which is a really short time compared to their total development time.


Sanity is the trademark of a weak mind.
Widelands - laid back, free software strategy
Kalldrex, wouldn''t it be better to charge people to play your game, and use that money to maintain server''s ?
That way you can charge it for less without worrying about some publisher taking all the money and spending very minimum on server quality ?

Prefect thanks for that information, I haven''t really followed the First Person Shooting area very much, but MODS seem to be very popular and increase the ''creativty'' in FPS.

Also Kalldrex alot of Game Developer''s programe game''s because they want to, because it''s fun, the reason they bring money into it is because they can''t use their computer if they don''t pay the electricity bill.. A good example of this is ''Drakan Order of the Flames'', they started off as a small group just progrmaming game''s for fun and created a demo game which they used to pitch at publisher''s. Once they found someone to pay their living cost''s they made a full version.

I''m not doubting you or either of your friend''s on your ability to do this or anything, I just think you should get some info on the business side of things. I personally would recommend making it free to play with limitations or no limitations with a "fee" either monthly, yearly, or just a once off fee to play online.
Yeah i agree with you about why companies make games for fun i worded it wrong. The problem with charging people to play it is that we are 4 16 year olds and it''s not the fact that we can''t but the thing is we have school and need sleep etc... so we can''t be there to help people when they are on. If the server goes down at midnight, well damn it won''t come up till i wake up at 5am and if i miss my alarm It won''t be up till 3PM (heh i wake up and use my computer, my friends just go to school lol)! The same thing if the server goes down at 6:30 or after! The thing is i know for a fact (and for the fact that i wouldn''t) pay for a game that would have so much downtime! It shows that we''re not professional and people don''t want to pay for something like that when they can go off to EQ and UO with sacrificing some good ideas that are only in our game. Tell me your honest answer. Even if you heard of this downtime or experienced it yourself would you pay for it? This is my first experience with network programming as it is with my friend who is learning the 3d engine calls and everything right now. I''m expecting a lot of crashes! Plus with our server we have now (384down/144up we think) It''s a crappy ass server! This means we will lag a lot. Just think aobut this!

p.s. Just so you know these posts aren''t meant as flames so don''t take em that way They''re just stating my opinion!
Dark Angel. My point is that everything that''s available to an office is available to me in my house. At home I have a DSL dedicated line with static IP and a 56k dial up.

I currently get zero noticable lag on my current server with a single client. 128 meg ram and a 333AMD runs the server at 11000+ fps. I''ve got a few more weeks before I do a major test. From current tests it looks promising though.

You don''t need dual anything and buy AMD. Go to Tomshardware.com if you don''t think AMD is as good as Intel. AMD is also a lot cheaper.


Kalvin, YOU don''t need a dual client computer because you were talking about a SINGLE client! I have connections with some people who worked on network code on EQ and They''ve said that a single processer can only handle 150-300 clients simultaneously. Sure this is fine for like my game (well once it comes out) but once it gets popular we''ll need ot upgrade our machines.
What''s the reasoning behind only 300 per CPU?

What are all the factors that determine maximum connections?

I only use one client or two for testing. The server program allows for up to 1500. Though I''ve yet to test it''s maximum limits.


The reason is basically that if you think about it it''s hard for the computer to keep it''s speed up and keep track of 300+players by itself. Though with like my setup that i plan to do the 2nd processer may actully be able to use more since I might try having the first processer for like items, logs, etc.. and the 2nd one just for players. not sure how to do that yet tho.
I don''t think that will be an issue for me. Framerate doesn''t drop at all when a client is connected. And it goes 53000+ fps. So I''ve got alot to work with. I''m doing a multiclient test today. We''ll see what happens.


Kalldrex, I''ve currently paid for Delta Force Land Warrior which is both single player and multiplayer but single player is crap.
My point is those server''s have been down *alot* since I started palying it but they have become more and more stable.

My tip to you would be Have *good* error handling in, when ever there''s an error have it automate a email sent to you which the Time, Date, Function it occured it, error. (the more information the better) once it sends you the email, have it shut it self down. From here What I would do is have a "monitor" whenever the game server shuts down, it will load it back up. Now it may keep crashing, but only if the same idiot keeps doing the same stupid thing to crash it. Also getting a "publisher", they wouldn''t handle this. You are still the developers so *you* still have to look after the servers, or contract someone out to do this and you pay them using the money you make from your game.

KalvinB, your server does game input, Game AI, Prcoesses everything, updates everything in 0.000018 seconds ?
Sounds to me you have a "client" based online game, fair enough but be prepared to counter cheaters. Also you must be very good with multithreading your server.. (i''m not critisizing, just stating the obvious). Don''t get me wrong AMD is very good if not better then Intel IMHO.. I use a 700 Athlon t''bird myself with 256meg ram on Win2K. Still Dual Processors will beat a Single processor any day. Also with every new client connected to the server the speed drops, more and more since *everything* it checks has to do a little bit more.. once again you probably don''t have this problem since the Client probably handles all AI, Collision Detection etc.
Actually the server handles everything instantly. The server completes a requested move checking for collisions along the way and if the server makes it the client is sent the move and everyone else in the viewable area. The only things that aren''t handled instantly are events. But with a 70,000-100,000 frame rate that''s a non issue.

I get such a high frame rate because unless messages are being recieved the server doesn''t do anything. When they come in they get handled as fast as possible. Frame rate just barely dips if at all.

How I handle NPC AI is a little something I have up my sleeve. As far as cheating I''m eager to see what people try. I think I''ve elimited most of the options.


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