
Demo Prototype ready, please test

Started by April 26, 2001 05:44 AM
9 comments, last by Hase 23 years, 3 months ago
Finally our prototype is ready for download, if you have the time, please have a look at it and tell me what you think. The specs: 2d sidescroller for 2 players. Requires DX8, D3d-compatible 3d accelerator card. Controls: Player 1: asdw + ctrl, Player2: mouse and arrow keys Here´s a screenshot: if the screenshot doesn´t load go to the download page, there are some screenshots there. and the files can be found here: DEMO DOWNLOAD just click on download demo, then you can either get the zipped playable, or download 2 of the 30 audio tracks as mp3. Edited by - Hase on April 26, 2001 6:47:58 AM
wow i think u are doing a great job with this game. I definitly had a lot of fun playing it. Everything also worked fine so nothing really went wrong. So keep up the good work.

- Goblineye Entertainment

That was probably the best demo I have played from this site. It was a little hard playing both guys at once. And after a while the guys stopped coming. But everything worked fine on my crappy Voodoo3.
The ss looked great, but I cannot play your game..

It starts, change screen resolution. quit. change back screen resolution.

voodoo2 (diamond 3d II)
ati 3d rage pro (ati all in wonder)
P2 350mhz

Its like... Silkworm. Very good work indeed, keep it up.
Hoside: Thanks, we will (not on this project anymore though).

Big B: uh, actually it´s supposed to be a two player game.... for the full version a single player mode had been planned.

hpox: sorry about that.. we tested it on the most common configurations, but not extensively. And as i recall, ati cards were troublesome.. voodoo2 tested ok on all systems though. Thanks for trying, but as this is just a prototype i can´t offer you a patch.

Rhis: Thanks, that was one of our inspirations ...

Edited by - Hase on May 2, 2001 6:22:39 AM
Hi Hase!

Wow this game is really great, I love it
Perhaps the best game ever on!
You are really talented!
Why did you stop the project?


Have fun BunnzPunch'n'Crunch
Well, we accomplished what we intended to do (get it up and running), after that it would have only been "work", and as we did not really see any potential for financial return we decided to move on to the next project, as the learning experience on this one was pretty much exhausted. THe next thing we´ll be doing is something 3d, no details yet.
Hi, out there!

Take a look at
-> Image of the Day Gallery (11.05.2001)

Have fun BunnzPunch'n'Crunch

Runs well on my GeForce256, Pentium2/350.

A couple of questions:

1) Do you use D3DXSprite or just D3D for all your blits?
2) If you dont mind could you send me some code to load and draw the blits, to


  Downloads:  ZeroOne Realm

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