
ZeroOne Platform game similar to Giana, mario etc..

Started by May 17, 2001 12:03 AM
2 comments, last by SikCiv 23 years, 3 months ago
My new site is up and running and you may download my new platform game in its current state. Some of the new features include pixelated screen trantitions as seen in Mario World and plenty of alpha blending . It uses the Gold GameLib wrapper also developed by yours truly. Check it out and tell me what you think, or how I can improve it.

  Downloads:  ZeroOne Realm

Pretty slick there... It even runs fast on my crappy system...
(pII 400mhz 4meg millenium 2 video) How''d you get it to run so smooth and fast?

-Keith aka Uhfgood
*************************************Keith Weatherby II*************************************
Hey, this looks pretty good! Keep it up!
Thanks for testing my game,

It runs so smooth and fast because I have put alot of work into my sprite wrapper and made sure all the timing and offsets are correct, and as for the collision detection I have used a sprite lookup array to speed things up even more. Prior to the lookup table the game was VERY slow when there were more than 50 sprites in the level as a result of too many PtInRect loops, now I can have around 1000 sprites with no problem.

Edited by - SikCiv on May 20, 2001 7:29:32 PM

  Downloads:  ZeroOne Realm

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