
Fantasy maps in 3D...

Started by May 21, 2001 05:51 PM
-1 comments, last by avoden 23 years, 3 months ago
You can view and travel your old 2D maps in 3D! Realm Overseer® 3D allows you to convert CC2 maps (FR Atlas included) into animated 3D world with day-night cycle, dynamic illumination from Sun or Moon and weather control. Enjoy the all-new experience of overseeing your realm as a continent from far away or from the top of the mage''s tower. Fly along the coastline forests as a dragon or walk along the ancient, stone-paved kingdom roads. Incredible tool for playing RPG. No more arguing with your players or DM what you can or cannot see from a certain point. Create countryside or towns for your players and show them precisely what they can see at any given moment or encounter. Simulate encounters by turning on/off layers on your map. Home page: Download interactive demo maps: Realm Overseer3D team

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