
Jumprix: please test it !

Started by June 14, 2001 09:36 AM
1 comment, last by NinjaCross 23 years, 2 months ago
Hi all. I work for Dedalomedia Interactive , and we have just finished our last ShockWave game, "Jumprix". It's an online F1 races-game that you can play in your browser. There is a championship that you can subscribe in, and where you can play on the (real) F1 championship tracks. I'ld like that you test it, and if you find bugs, please let send me an email at this address To play Jumprix, you can go at this address: Play Jumprix Now ! Thankyou in advance for your help ! //------------- Making Funny Garbage Codes on Edited by - NinjaCross on June 14, 2001 10:52:09 AM
//-------------A straight line may be the shortest distance between two points, but it is by no means the most interesting.
Hate to be the chauvanist here. But I only speak English, I can''t tell what I'' supposed to click on in the Web Page.

I could be wrong, but is the site Italian?

D.V.Carpe Diem
Yeah, it''s italian, and it''s a pitty that no many people know it... cause, as you said, they don''t know where to click !
Anyway, thanks for your help

A straight line may be the shortest distance between two points, but it is by no means the most interesting.
//-------------A straight line may be the shortest distance between two points, but it is by no means the most interesting.

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