
»» WebSite Critics Needed ««

Started by June 17, 2001 03:13 AM
1 comment, last by Prozak 23 years, 2 months ago
Hi all, I just finished puting my site up, and needed some critics on it. I know you guys do this often, and people receive good constructive critics, so, check it out at: thanks a Zillion, hope to see you in my guestbook, Hugo Ferreira
Looks pretty good to me. Definitely well organized. I like how when you open up the Project Eggs page another frame also opens up to give you more options.

On the other hand, in the main projects page you may consider giving more information on the projects. Someone may not want to click a link based on just the project name and type. It''d be good to have a quick summary of what you''re getting yourself into.

Just minor things. Good site overall.
The site looks nice overall, but personally I don''t like the top 1/3 of the browser window being taken up with that logo. I don''t want to have to have my browser in full screen mode just to see the information, and when there is a big logo like that it means I can''t see too much at once.

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