
Contract Work

Started by June 25, 2001 10:23 AM
1 comment, last by Joseph Qualls 23 years, 2 months ago
Hello everyone I have started my new company Hard Core I do everything from computer consulting, Videogame projects, and Web Site Design if anyone is interested in these services check out the site and contact me email
DominatorPower is in the game
What games have you completed? From your site, it doesn''t look like you''ve even worked on one yet.

I have completed a couple of smaller games written in C++ and low level code. What I have done is set up a company that does contract work for various things. As of now none of of the games I have worked on have been published yet. For videogame projects
I am doing contract work for two companies. One I have helped in the initial design process of their game i.e help them put together their game proposal. The second copmaine I am doing contract work in terms of programming. I am doing advance special effects, writting the physics engine and the AI code.

I also have worked on RenderWare 3 for fun just to see what that program is possible.

My main work that I have done since i started the company has been website developemnt and computer consulting. One of the websites that i put together is I Also have two more websites in the works that should be uploaded soon. (when ever their companies approve them). I also have done consulting work. I have set up servers for small business, installed networks and set them up, and various other computer related services.

I am trying to get more work in the consulting and website develoment right now, because I have a backlog of videogame programming rigth now.

I have not put any code samples up yet for download but will soon. My orginal site had some of the work I have completed but I just have not had the time to put it own the new site. hopefully soon though. I have started the process of building my own 3D game engine for kicks. ( I was disappointed with RenderWare 3 on some aspects).

Thanks for the reply
DominatorPower is in the game

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