
Full Blast SDK

Started by June 26, 2001 06:02 PM
1 comment, last by TheShadow 23 years, 2 months ago
Hello!, are you looking for an API to program, do you think openGL and DirectX are way too hard? well today there is a team of programmers that are working on an easier to use API, Full Blast! Code for games will now get smaller and easier to understand, making C++ more powerful and easier to use. Come and visit the website and download the TECH Demo which gives you an Idea of what it can do!
Mecha Engineer (Making Real Humanoid Suits)
You''ll have to get a professional quality tech demo up before people will be interested, really.

And reducing the executable file size from 368k to something more reasonable, like 36.8k, might help, too.
Holy pop-ups Batman!

Get rid of those loser pop-up windows and I might actually be able to read your site without closing the browser in digust.

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