
Come here if you want to make games without programming

Started by August 11, 2001 10:51 AM
4 comments, last by CDnetwork 23 years, 1 month ago
If you want to create a game with no programming required visit my new site where I have created a list of over 50 construction kits that virtually only require a mouse to create some fun games. So if you do manage to visit the site leave behind A link to your site in our link service and mabey even sign the guest book, well see you there. DaZ
I know you''re doing this with good intentions - but I''ve found that such tools only make it easy for a newbie to make a large but poor game, which is a lot of wasted time on their part, since they don''t learn anything, and only have a poor game for their efforts.

So, I was thinking, perhaps you link to, or even write, guides on how to make games that don''t suck. I think that one guide would be needed for each genre, so I really hope there are such guides out there, since writing them isn''t a great option.

btw, i liked the layout of your site! Good work!
Thanks for the compliment, I think I will write some guides. For those of you who haven''t been to the site yet it is at

Now maybe I''m blind or just not really looking hard enough but i went to your site and i didnt find your list of over fifty construction kits. Am i missing somethin?

Flying Penguin Studios
President and Lead Design
click on "game creation resources" when the site has loaded
That page takes way too long to load!

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