
Update of Spavce Strategy Game StarLines INC

Started by September 10, 2001 08:39 AM
-1 comments, last by cliffski 23 years ago
Hey, I have been doing some updating and patching for my strategy game StarLines INC. For those who havent played it before, its kind of like Railroad Tycoon in space, with some Douglas Adams humour and an Imperium-Galactica styled interface. Basically you manage this big galactic shipping company in a SimCity kind of way. The old version supported DirectDraw and looked a bit retro. I am pathcing it heavily to add graphical flash bits and bring it up to date, and Ill be adding more gameplay stuff, improved help system etc etc here is a screenshot of the new version CLICK HERE And there are plenty of screenshots of the old version on my website (click the signature below) Let me know if this looks any better! or any cool ideas for adding to the game. It is intended to be a free upgrade to existing players. Edited by - cliffski on September 10, 2001 9:40:44 AM

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