
New 2-D Space Shooter!!!

Started by January 01, 2002 04:53 PM
8 comments, last by cshireman 22 years, 7 months ago
Hello everyone. I just posted a demo of my latest 2-D space shooter and I thought I would let everyone know. It is called "Interstellar Shoot-Out", but the title is a work in progress. There are currently only 15 levels and no music, but that is going to change. If someone else already has a game by that name, please let me know and I will change it. It runs under Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP. You need DirectX 8.0 or better to run. If you find any bugs please let me know ASAP. Here is the address where you can find the demo. Also, if anyone is looking to hire a game developer such as myself, please let me know. Thanks for your time and Happy New Year. Chris Shireman "Do or do not, there is no try." -- Yoda
"Do or do not, there is no try." -- Yoda
Hey, I''m not sure if you wanted constructive critism or not; but here goes.

I really liked your game, and some of those levels were genious (the one that has all the blocks in it, blitz, and curse of the pharoh were my favorite ideas). However, there were two things I did not like.
1) You locked the Y position, I hate being stuck to the bottem of the screen with a passion. Expecially when they come up behind you. If you don''t want to give them Y movement, you should at least put them about an inch from the bottem of the screen so they have a chance to see if something is coming up behind them.
2) you waited to long to give weapon upgrades (unless it''s random). I didn''t get my first one until level 10, and out of 15 levels that not so good.

But otherwise, great game...keep up the good work.
The powerups are random, so it is possible to get everything in the first level, or get nothing at all. The odds are 1 in 20 that a power-up is generated from an enemy. As for the Y movement, I was thinking about improving it the other day by allowing the player to move up and down within a certain range, which would allow them to see what is coming up behind them if they are far enough away. I think that is the best of both worlds.

Thanks for the feedback.

"Do or do not, there is no try." -- Yoda
"Do or do not, there is no try." -- Yoda
I tried the Y-movement idea and it just wasn''t playing the way I had hoped, so I restricted it again, but moved the player up a little so that if something is coming from behind it can be avoided. Anyway, happy new year.

"Do or do not, there is no try." -- Yoda
"Do or do not, there is no try." -- Yoda
Nicely done. Like the graphics.

Make it work.
Make it fast.
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Hello. I played a few levels of the game and enjoyed it. Good job!
Hello again everyone. I just added 5 new levels to the game. You will need to download the zip file again, but it really isn''t that big. I hope you enjoy the game. Once again, it is at


"Do or do not, there is no try." -- Yoda
"Do or do not, there is no try." -- Yoda
Thats pretty good work, especially if its your very first game. reminded me of galaxians and pheonix from the arcade days.
Keep up the good work!
Great job, made me want to go to the arcade!

Don't sit and complain about a program, make a better one or shut up!

Edited by - grellin on February 4, 2002 10:33:24 PM
Steven Bradley .:Personal Journal:. .:WEBPLATES:. .:CGP Beginners Group:. "Time is our most precious resource yet it is the resource we most often waste." ~ Dr. R.M. Powell
Every time I try to go there, it sends me to

Is your site down?

Always remember, you''''re unique. Just like everyone else.
Always remember, you''re unique. Just like everyone else.Greven

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