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New FPS Story

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2 comments, last by desertfoxer 22 years, 5 months ago
This is an unfinnished story that takes place in our galaxy in the future. I need help writing this if anyone wants to help! The year was 2101 when humans first encountered the alien race Rachian. The Rachians approached the "President" of Earth and proposed a deal; they would help us develop our technology if we in exchange gave them access to an all too plentiful natural resource (Blank), which they need for (Blank).Both the Rachians and Earth wanted to explore the planets in our galaxy so they designed the Galactic Guard, a force of Rachian''s and humans dedicated to keeping the galaxy peaceful, exploring the moons & planets of our galaxy. They also established outposts, colonies and spaceports throughout the galaxy. Since the unification of all countries in 2050 the civillians of earth had no use for weapons. They designed a treaty that banned all civillian use/ownership of weapons. All weapons were stowed away in vast underground vaults throughout the world. The weapon treaty was reinforced when the Rachians were first contacted (some humans didn''t trust them or were scared of their power). To calm civillian fears the Earth Defense Force was brought into service. This new army numbering around 100 million was a mix of humans and battle androids; their main purpose being to protect earth against all invaders. With the Huratia encounter on October 9, 2156; came new fears of invasion. The weapon vaults were looted and panic was rampent throughout Earth. The Huratian''s (who were looking for (Blank) and human slaves to man their mines) decided to invade Earth rather than negotiate. They started with an all out bombing campain on December 17, 2156 and after 3 months of contiunal bombing began their invasion. The Huratian soldiers landed on February 10, 2157 counting on little human resistance, what they got was a combined defense force of E.D.F. and G.G. soldiers willing to fight to the death. These 250 million humans, Racians and androids fought for 4 long months holding off the massive Huratia invasion, helping over 9.5 billion humans/Rachians flee Earth. These human refugees ended up on the many spaceships throughout the galaxy, moon bases, Mars and the on remote Pluto outpost. The war has been going on for about 60 years now and not much has changed neither side ready to make a large scale attack. The Huratia have been harvesting the (Blank) from Earth while humans and Rachians have been gathering the small amounts found on other planets. We have a large force but even all of us combined we are still in too small of numbers to even think of a full scale attack on the Huratia Capital ship and Earth bases. Galactic Armies Earth Defense Force or E.D.F. (Human Army works with G.G. & Rachian''s) Galactic Guard or G.G. (Human and Alien Combined Defense Force) Huratia (Invaders of Earth) Ghost Mercinaries or Ghost Mercs (Combination of Humans and Aliens) Rachian (Aliens Earth''s Allies) Red Knights (Human Rebels sided with and supplied by the Huratia) Desert Fox, Ian Cheshire "Don''''t fight a battle if you don''''t gain anything by winning" -Erwin Rommel
Desert Fox,Ian Cheshire"Don''t fight a battle if you don''t gain anything by winning" -Erwin Rommel
Rather standard futuristic war-alliance story methinks, but what would the game be like?
The game will play as a First Person Shooter. You play as a Merc and are part of the Ghost Merc's a group of rather tough mercinaries for hire located on a medium sized ship near Mars. You will receive missions from diplomats, citizens of the Rachian and human races. The missions will vary from assasinations, robberies, beatings, sabbotage, battles (Large scale battles that have to do with the galactic war), information gathering, kiddnapping etc... The missions will not all be against the Huratians and the Red Knights, there will be higher priority missions along with bunches of lower to medium jobs that have been posted by civillians for various reasons.

Desert Fox,
Ian Cheshire

"Don''t fight a battle if you don''t gain anything by winning" -Erwin Rommel

Edited by - desertfoxer on January 17, 2002 8:47:05 PM
Desert Fox,Ian Cheshire"Don''t fight a battle if you don''t gain anything by winning" -Erwin Rommel
That sounds better. Any fool (No offence) can write a story, especially about intergalactic fighting and stuff. However, the perspective of the player is more important and all.

So what would be so unique about the gameplay?
Download the game designs at this site somewhere and flesh everything out. 8)

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