
Are Top-Down Shooters Dead? Try This Game And Decide For Yourself

Started by January 29, 2002 11:33 AM
3 comments, last by Crash 22 years, 7 months ago
Inspired by Zipless releasing his first game, Ive decided to release mine to just see what you guys think of it. Bad Boys is a 2-player, 2D, top-down shooter. The aim is to shoot the other player 9 times, before he shotts you 9 times. Its quite simple really. The game was made whilst reading TeeJs interactive tutorial, so if you recognise the graphics thats why. It was also based on TeeJs BaseCode2a (I think it was that version) The keys are: Player 1: Movement: Arrows Fire: Right Control Player 2: Movement: W,A,S,D Fire: Left Control It can be downloaded at: Anyway the game is quite old now and I have learnt alot since I made it, and I am currently working on the sequel. So the purpose of this post is to basically hear what you guys think. What could be improved? Does it run on your system? Do you have any problems with it? Is it fun? That sort of thing. So please download it and give me whatever opinon you have. Hoping you enjoy it, Crash, "We Must Move Forwards NOT Backwards, Sideways NOT Forwards And Always Twirling Twirling Towards Success." - 2000 "If You Keep Looking Forward Your Gonna End Up Looking Backwards At Yourself Running Sideways!" - 2001
"We Must Move Forwards NOT Backwards, Sideways NOT Forwards And Always Twirling Twirling Towards Success." - 2000"If You Keep Looking Forward Your Gonna End Up Looking Backwards At Yourself Running Sideways!" - 2001
I couldn''t download the file. When I pasted the URL into my web browser (both IE5 and Mozilla) I get redirected to:

I tried the address but the same thing happened.
Oops my bad! Tripod is down until tommorow.

Sorry, about this guys... I guess you''ll just have to wait.

"We Must Move Forwards NOT Backwards, Sideways NOT Forwards And Always Twirling Twirling Towards Success." - 2000"If You Keep Looking Forward Your Gonna End Up Looking Backwards At Yourself Running Sideways!" - 2001
Will that work on an Imac?
the sprite looks pretty good, but you need to do some more work on the movement, right now it´s much too choppy to be playable.

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