
Want your 15 minutes of fame? How about 15 seconds?

Started by February 07, 2002 12:18 PM
0 comments, last by Uhfgood 22 years, 7 months ago
This is Uhfgood, and i''m almost finished with my current game. If you know anything about my last game ''Smiley'' you know last time I made credits with funny titles, this year i''m doing funny quotes. All you have to do is send and email to with ''funny credits'' in the title, leave your real name (first and last) your bulletin board and or irc nick name and a funny quote. Please note I will not put you up if I don''t have at least a first and last name, and I will reject any quotes that are obscene, vulgar, derogatory or inflamatory... Thank you -Keith Weatherby II
*************************************Keith Weatherby II*************************************
One quick thing I wanted to mention,
the deadline for funny credits is
February 28, 2002 (end of this month)
Thank you,

*************************************Keith Weatherby II*************************************

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