
Plz check out my racing game

Started by February 08, 2002 03:52 PM
-1 comments, last by lupo_r 22 years, 7 months ago
hi everybody! i'm recently spending all of my time on the development of a racing / shooting game! i'm actually quite proud of it but it's your opinion that counts! so i'd b very grateful 4 some feedback. the game is inspired by early snes game rock n roll racing but don't worry i really make efforts 2 keep graphics up 2 date. i'd ask anyone who likes speed, action and a bit of scifi to test the game and tell me his HONEST opinion about it! maybe, you'll even find the time 2 cruise a bit on my site coz i could use some more traffic! website: direct download (case sensitive!): thanx in advance, femi Edited by - Lupo_r on February 8, 2002 4:55:09 PM Edited by - Lupo_r on February 9, 2002 8:49:59 AM
need help to program your game? visit

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