
Latest build of my RTS

Started by March 02, 2002 01:59 PM
1 comment, last by Absolution 22 years, 6 months ago
Check out the latest screenshots from the RTS I am developing: Freestanding Entertainment Abs Edited by - Absolution on March 2, 2002 2:59:46 PM
Looks good man. You doing everything yourself? even the art? an RTS is pretty complex. I hope you finish it. Would be a shame to see a good RTS go to waste. No matter how low budget it is.


Static code. It sucks, but it always works somehow.
-LordSilx'Static code. It sucks, but it always works somehow.'Current Project linkage
Yes, I am doing everything by myself in my spare time. I will probably look for someone to help with sound a bit later though.


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