

Started by March 12, 2002 11:58 AM
3 comments, last by 22 years, 6 months ago
POST REMOVED [Edited by - abgupta4 on August 23, 2009 10:15:09 PM]
I just love how you pretend that you "found" this ezine which just happens to be produced by you.

Look, we have a forum here specifically for this kind of thing called "Your Announcements". Best of all, you don''t have to pretend that you''re not affiliated with the thing it is that you''re promoting.

I''m moving this there now.
and it sucks, too
quote: Original post by abgupta4
I found this free game programming ezine which teaches you game programming every month for FREE! IT IS SOOOOO AMAZING!!!!! They teach you like in an easy to understand language so that you dont get lost! I really like it a lot and I wanted to share this with EVERYONE! YOU CAN'T MISS THIS! Just sign up to the Abhiware E-Zine, thats where they teach you EVERY MONTH FREE! ITS AMAZING!

I am telling you, it REALLY helps! I learnt how to storyboard, the game creation process, view types, game styles, and so much more from them! They really help and you can also download free games from their website WHICH THEY TEACH YOU TO PROGRAM LATER AS WELL!!!!!! It is just AWSOME! Don't Miss Out ON THIS! GO AND JOIN THEIR MAILING LIST!

Not good for anyone who is not serious about Game Programming, because this is like finding Gold for all serious Game Programmers! ENJOY!

Blah blah blah bulls***...

FYI, You don't storyboard, you create a storyboard.

Oh and stop acting like a little puppy that just found out it had a tail...

I forgot to mention, if you say you can help people get their games out, It would help for you guys to have one first on store shelves, one that has some graphics that aren't fuzzy... Fuzzy Wazzy was a bear, Fuzzy Wazzy had no hair, Fuzzy Wazzy wasn't fuzzy was he?!

"And that's the bottom line cause I said so!"


/(bb|[^b]{2})/ that is the Question --
Hash Bang Slash bin Slash Bash -- #!/bin/bash

[edited by - cyberdrek on March 13, 2002 2:45:41 PM]

[edited by - cyberdrek on March 13, 2002 2:47:31 PM]
[Cyberdrek | ]
Is it me or this site is outdated and not maintained since middle-january? I hope for the people crazy enough to buy that, that they are not as late for they e-zine thing. But anyhow, I won''t ever buy such a magazine just because there are books from people who dedicate their lives just to get people usefull books as such. Anyway, for me, the site is not appealing at all.

SDRAMs and even DDR is less than 200 bucks (like 40 and 80). So if the information you give in your e-zine is updated and accurate as is your web page, I recommend that we boycott this page.

Sorry man.

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