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World War III: Hell on Earth (need crits&suggestions)

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15 comments, last by Gaping Head Wound 22 years ago
Ok well, i''d like to get a few opinions on some plot lines and story/scenario ideas i''ve had, and i was wondering if this would be the right place to discuss them. i just hope noone rips me off and steals my ideas, but then again if i share them it''s pretty much there for anyone to take right? i need to type the stuff up, all i have now is a notebook filled with ideas. ...this is a recording.
...this is a recording.
Well, this is the game writing forum, so don''t you think it would be a good place? If you are worried about people stealing your ideas I suggest never having another idea as long as you live. No! Stop it! I said no more ideas!
also, its very likly any ideas you present will have been thought up by a few other ppl as well. ideas are useless unless you actually do something with them. also, since you are not discussing the actual detailed plot and more of an overview, even if someone decided to create a WW3 game (which has been done before) the actual characters, dialouge, detailed plot, gameplay, artwork, etc would be different enough where one would play both games.

if your worried, try to keep things broad (but not vauge there is a difference). dont discuss actual dialouge, or go deep with character interactions that you will actually use as you type on the board.

for instance, saying one scenario is that troops must defend a base filled with nukes should be plent for discussion (well more detailed then that).

instead of saying. general Gye and his troops need to defend the last nukes on the planet. the enemy will be moving up along the ridge on the east side of the base. they are armed with weapon XyKG-MACH9s and rockets. if they get the nukes, the war could be over in favor of the axis powers, sicne their commander Bahd plans to annhialate the free world with the aquired nukes and already set up fallout bunkers for his followers. he only needs to aquire one more weapon in his quest, and that is the prototype derad system which eliminates radioactive fallout in a few weeks after activation. blah blaha blah. you get the idea?

though lke the AP said, if your really afraid of ppl stealing your ideas, you should try not to have any more.
Allright, here goes...

I''ve got a majority of the level design, sound effects, models and textures already finished, so it''s not like i''m just coming up with ideas.

Some time in the future, like 3004 or something, all the animals except for those consumed by humans (cows, chickens, lamb, etc) are extinct. Almost all natural recources have been depleted, and global warming has made it too dangerous to venture outside, or even to the surface, hence the subterrainean cities. the only things on the surface are military bases and nuke silos.

we start colonizing on mars and from mars ship recources back to earth. big cargo ships carry this stuff to earth and return to mars empty. the trip usually takes several months.

on earth, it''s survival of the fittest. disease has killed off most people on earth. countries fight in gruesome battles, sometimes bmbing the cities underground, killing a majority of the civilians in the initial blast and sealing the survivors in. Countries that have less military might than the others are taken over by more powerful countries. they sometimes send fighter aircraft to the supply ships coming in from mars to take them over and deliver the goods to their own base.

the colonies on mars remain nuetral and send their recources to the highest bidders. the colonies on mars are inhabited by mostly wealthy families or by powerful military leaders or something.

on earth and mars they have incorperated a system of storing data recorded from electrical activity in the brain. it''s basically a system where babies are mass produced via cloning, bred to be "the perfect human". you know, physically fit, no hereditary diseases, etc. the babies are dumped into big vats of oxygenating liquid which keeps the tissues alive, and then, in an assembly line fashion, are handed down a series of machines. the first stop drills a hole in the base of the skull, the next inserts all the wiring, the next implants the battery, then the next finishes the installation of the neural transmitter. the transmitter sends out the information recorded in the brain to facilities where they are recorded like data onto computer storage systems. at the instant a person dies their memory can be inserted immediately into a clone. ..back to what i was saying before. the babies, now dead for at least several hours but with no damage due to lack of oxygen, are then dropped into pods, or glass cylindars like in the movies. in these, an oxygen mask is inserted and probes attached to the different areas of the bodies. to keep the clones in good physical condition, electrical impulses are run through their muscles to stimulate them, resulting in muscle growth. regulated diet, vaccinations, data implantations, etc.

so in the game, if you die on the battlefield you immediately respawn as a clone, and then you pick your weapons and then go to the battle field via parachute or something.


there''s an alien race of organisms that have no physical body but instead are made up of electricity and stuff. watch the movie Virus with Jamie Lee Curtis. They behave like insects, gathering stuff and being ruled by a queen, in this case the main being. like a central computer. they float about in space and then when they find a suitable planet they land, strip mine it, and then leave. the planet is ruined, nothing left but a husk of a planet. they send out sonar/radar pulses to find other planets.

one day one of those pulses hits earth. it detonates all the nuclear explosions due to a surge in the computer systems and since they''re not failsafe (US nuke weapons are failsafe meaning if they get f*cked up they wont work, but in Russia and so forth they''re fail-deadly, meaning if they get f*cked with they blow up.) so a majority of the people on earth are killed. all that are left are the military people who were in those nukeproof safehouses/bunker thingies. they figure out what caused the explosion, and they think it''s some sort of weapon from mars. the radiation and nuclear fallout make it impossible to land the supply ships safely on the surface so they stop making supply runs, leading the people on the surface to believe that the people on mars sent the pulse to kill them and then stopped sending supplies to starve them to death.

the surface of earth is nothing but a barren wasteland now. 24 hours after the pulse hits earth mars gets the distress signal and sends medical aid and transport ships. they go and gather the civilian survivors and bring them back to mars. the mars base is already filled beyond full capacity, many familes share their living quarters with other families and a lot of the supplies are rationed.

when the survivors arrive on mars they are immediately rushed to the medical facilities and the staff desperately to try to save them. nobody survives.

they build a modular encolsure for the peopel infected by radiation poisoning on mars. they tell them it''s just to prevent the spread of illness in the enclosed quarters of the mars base. then one day the mechanism for securing the enclosement suspiciously breaks in the middle of a storm. when the people find out about this they revolt, angered that they are forced to live in cramped quarters and that the mars police are beginning to kill batches of them to allow more space. they managed to cut the oxygen to a meeting held by military leaders, almost killing them. the guilty parties were then executed and deleted from the neural net, as in the data from their life recordings were deleted to prevent cloning them.

a second pulse hits mars, this time only disabling some electrical systems but no life threatening disasters.

the aliens that sent the pulse are now aware to the presence of not one but two potential planets in a solar system. they move in for the kill.

another alien race, a humanoid race of aliens whose home planet was decimated by the afore mentioned race, is trying to get to earth as well. they want to land and start a new life, even if it means killing all who get in their way.

the people on mars see that the earth is almost inhabitable, and prepare to return to earth and restore the old way of life and to maintain peace, blah blah.

so the stage is set. three races are competing for earth.

the player starts as a human, fighting in one fo the many civil wars until the uclear blast hits, then moves on, etc.

three campaigns, all with a new species, etc.

so tell me what you think!

and i really, really REALLY hope my ideas aren''t stolen by some games company and then used to make a successful game (unlikely i know, but still i have a right to get angry if that does happen.)

so, is that a good idea? a good basis for a game?

...this is a recording.
...this is a recording.
The problem with some games today is that a lot of frustrated wannabe holywood directors are taking it over. Games are be coming less playable and more of a 30 hour movie.

In such an early stage, I would advise basing your story line and developments around gameplay. Think up missions and objectives, and base plot around the individual missions, yet let it all wrap up into one big developement. One big idea that takes all but the entire game to unravel and the end have the player solve the problem and save the day. Make sure you develop which side is good and which is evil unless you plan to make the game playable from both POVs.
maybe i wasnt clear enough.

this game is based on this storyline. you play it start to finish, and it progresses as the story unfolds. it''s mainly a multiplayer game (up to 128 players at one time).

the singleplayer aspect is linear because it can be, and because a dynamic storyline, although cool in its own way, doesnt make sense if you''re tellign a story, unless you don''t knwo what the ending is or whatever.

you get to play as one of the three races and then when you''re finished with one you start on another. three stories all tell of the same events but from different perspectives. you play them all through.

sorry if i came off as too much of a stephen spielberg wannabe starf*cker.

oh, and i wanted opinions on the story, not opinions about level/scenario ideas. since i didn''t even mention any, i feel that you shouldn''t be commenting on them. sorry, it''s just the way i feel.

...this is a recording.
...this is a recording.
quote: Original post by Gaping Head Wound
maybe i wasnt clear enough.

this game is based on this storyline. you play it start to finish, and it progresses as the story unfolds. It''s mainly a multiplayer game (up to 128 players at one time).

If you start now, and finish within 2 years, I believe that the online gaming scene will improve with the broadband, cable, and DSL becoming more prolific(sp?).

quote: Original post by Gaping Head Wound
the singleplayer aspect is linear because it can be, and because a dynamic storyline, although cool in its own way, doesnt make sense if you''re tellign a story, unless you don''t know what the ending is or whatever.

True true.

quote: Original post by Gaping Head Wound
you get to play as one of the three races and then when you''re finished with one you start on another. three stories all tell of the same events but from different perspectives. you play them all through.

That''s a cool idea. Think of this though: (maybe you already thought of it) Try to have primarily the same story, and then each time you play through the game, extraneous events become known to you. Make the game where if you play it all the way through as all 3 races, you will understand key events that took place in the other play throughs, but weren''t very significant the first time through or weren''t clear.

quote: Original post by Gaping Head Wound
sorry if i came off as too much of a stephen spielberg wannabe starf*cker.

I didn''t mean it like that. I just read your story and couldn''t figure out where the gameplay came in. That''s primarily my short sightedness. That thing about movie directors moving in wasn''t even original from my observations, I heard it in an interview with John Carmack(wired.com).

quote: Original post by Gaping Head Wound
oh, and i wanted opinions on the story, not opinions about level/scenario ideas. since i didn''t even mention any, i feel that you shouldn''t be commenting on them. sorry, it''s just the way i feel.

Some things have to be left up to the artist to take pride in.

Correct me if I''m wrong, but isn''t any kind of wave (i.e. sonar) immpossible in space because it''s a vacuum. Things like sound a sonar need matter to travel through, and in space that medium is not present. Just might want to rethink that part of the alien design.
The only wave that will travel through space is a light wave, sound waves (including sonar) won''t.

Horny Farmer (Jolly Rancher)
so, you read that whole thing, yet the only piece of advice you have to offer is that sound doesn''t travel through space?

and on top of that, two people commented on that. one right after the other. wow.

it looks like i''m not going to get any useful feedback around here.

well thanks anyways.

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