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I need your ideas.

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27 comments, last by kill 24 years, 1 month ago
I''ll admit that the robot apocalise idea has been done to death. But in my mind it is a semi-plausable storyline.

Kill when I mentioned the whole resources thing, I didn''t mean for you to include it in the game I just ment for it to be used as basic storyline. Just a justification for recking robots to be mentioned at the beginning and then to be forgotten about during the game.

This style of game has been done before in an old sega megadrive game whose name escapes me. In the game your character was a space explorer that crash landed on a robot world. Anyway the robots couldn''t heal you but the place your brain in a robotic shell. When you wake up your naturally upset and go on the rampage. The game was a 2d side scrolling fighting game. You started out as a basic unit but as you fought your way through the game you tore parts off your enemies and intergrated these parts into your body.

The hardest part of trying to do this in a 3d game would be the linking the graphics to the character stats. An easyier way handle the modules is to have the modules as internal components so the players apperance doesn''t change everytime you added a new component. Also if you limited the player to two ranged attacks and had each body part module determine a single stat,(eg. legs = speed, head = perseption/ranged accuracy, torso = armorclass) tracking the players attributes would be simplier.

Finally you guys are right in that the game using bio-moded humans would be cooler.Personally I would love to see a FPS game set in the world of Shadowrun or the world of Gibson''s. Through stealing bio-mods of enemies during the game would have to be scrapped, it would be a little to grusome. You would probaly use a system wereby after each level the player is payed cash/creds/gils to spend on upgrading their body and by new weapons.
Actually the game I am working on was partially inspired by The Matrix. I had a bunch of other ideas inspired by The Matrix, but unfortunately I don''t have the reasources to work on them(yet).
Well, on that note Landfish, I would if i could*grumbles*
i''m only about 3 months into learning C++, i''m getting along slowly with a text-based RPG engine. But on the other hand, i''ve been seriously thinking about doing a Half-Life/Unreal Tourney modification just to see if i could. i had word that Sony cancelled a project they were doing to make a PSX Shadowrun game. Anyway, e-mail me i you know anyone who would like to help with somethin like that. I probly wouldn''t code, but i can map pretty well(for HL at least).

The MATRIX.Hmmm...Nice effects(excellent effects),nice plot (even a little difficult to follow ).
But what kind of game do you think could be inspired by the movie?
Here these words vilifiers and pretenders, please let me die in solitude...
The above-mentioned Sega game was called "Cyborg Justice", an old fav. I liked that you could rip off opponant''s limbs and attach them to yourself!

As for an FPS Shadowrun, I''ve already had some awesome ideas (you are all on the honor system here):
-Hide button (al la Metal Gear Solid, Tenchu)
-Game missions notwithstanding, you can''t run the same mission twice, and runs are found online at designated site.
-Game released with delux level editor so people can play "Mr.Johnson" to make cash.
-Player controlled corperations making strategic hits on eachother?
-Item by email system limited by what contacts/permits you have. Game bleeds over into your email and browser in order to acquire equipment. May arouse suspician from the NSA, but can you say "immersive?"

This is just the start. Landfish Development WILL make this game, my entire team plays SR tabletop! Can you say "pipe dream?"
======"The unexamined life is not worth living."-Socrates"Question everything. Especially Landfish."-Matt
A lot of stuff can be inspired by the matrix. Current multiplayer RPGs are based on some lame ass medieval crap. Designers make up some crap on how to incorporate log in and log out into the game and the story. The matrix solves all that doesn''t it? U''re just hacking into a system.g
Hey Landfish, i couldn''t help one bit programming, but if you need someone to help with storyline/general ideas for better gameplay, gimme an email @ "Run_The_Shadows@excite.com". I''d be more than happy to help
I''ve been waiting for a new Shadowrun game to be released, as the Sega and SNES games lacked majorly.

I''ll tuck that address, away for when I get around to it. Expect an email in like two years.

I liked the Sega Genesis one. Except the ending sucks. Butb it was so true to the tabletop (like Mechwarrior Too) that we actually use it as a primer for new players! Works pretty well too!
======"The unexamined life is not worth living."-Socrates"Question everything. Especially Landfish."-Matt
Ahh yes, i still like the Sega version tho there are still a few problems....But, alas, my Genesis got fried in a storm a year ago*grumble*. If they woulda mixed the Genesis and SNES games, it coulda been kewl. What pissed me off about the SNES was the infinite ammo crap. Once you got the assault cannon, the game got so easy. Anyway, thnx
i''m a heavy player and am pissed its been years since a good SR game.


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